Task Scheduling and Their Executing by Schedule > Creating Scheduled Tasks > Setting Up Task Object > Setting Up .NET Assembly or Unit Execution
When the user sets up a task to execute a .NET assembly or a unit, additional parameters are added to the Parameters tab:
To open dialog to set up task parameters, create new or open ready task:
The task of unit execution is set up as follows:
In the Executed Unit drop-down list select the repository unit.
NOTE. In the unit execution tasks, it is forbidden to create visual forms and components.
In the Procedure Name drop-down list select tge procedure or function which will be executed on running the task. The list of available procedures and functions incudes all which are implemented in the unit global scope.
Click the Refresh Parameter List button, the list of parameters according to the procedure/function signature will be generated in the Parameter Values area. Value editor will be displayed for each parameter. Determine value which will be sent to the procedure/function on execution.
NOTE. The list of parameters will display only the parameters that have a simple data type (String, Integer and others).
The .NET assembly task execution will be set as follows:
Select the repository .Net assembly in the Fore.NET Assembly drop-down list.
NOTE. In the .NET assembly execution tasks, it is forbidden to create visual forms and components.
Select the procedure which will be executed on task starting in the Procedure Name drop-down list. The procedure is displayed in the list, if the following conditions are met for it:
The procedure is implemented in the class, the calls has the Public access modifier.
The procedure has the Public and Shared access modifiers.
A procedure must no have any parameters or parameters must be of the simple types (String, Integer and others). The first list parameters can be also of the following type: IMetabase. The context of the current repository connection is passed as a value of this parameter on starting the task.
Click the Refresh Parameter List button, the list of parameters according to the procedure signature will be generated in the Parameter Values area (if there is a parameters with the IMetabase type, it will not be displayed in the list). Value editor will be displayed for each parameter. Determine the value which will be sent to the procedure on execution.
See also: