Building Dashboards > Working with Ready Dashboard > Working with Interactive Controls
Interactive controls created at the moment of dashboard building are used to control block contents.
The interactive control buttons located at the top right corner of the block are used to work with blocks. The control buttons enable the user to quickly execute basic operations to control an object.
A list of available buttons is set on building a dashboard on the Block side panel tab.
The buttons are available:
. It shows the menu allowing to execute the operations with blocks:
Export. Export the block to the selected format. A detailed description of available export formats and features is given in the Dashboard Export section.
Block Link. Get a link to the block that enables the user to embed it into a custom web application or dashboard. The option is available only in the web application if the PP.xml file contains the <embed enabled="true" /> string in the <pp> section.
. it shows a menu of quick setup of visualizer. The button is available only for visualizers. Available settings depend on the visualizer type and selected visualizer area. If quick settings are not present for selected area, then the No Operations Available text is displayed.
A detailed description of settings and methods of their execution is given in the section describing the appropriate visualizer setup.
. Display data, based on which the block is built.
. Collapse and expand the block.
See also: