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Building Dashboards > Questions and Answers > How to Enable Creating of Blocks Used to Work with Reports?

How to Enable Creating of Blocks Used to Work with Reports?

By default, only blocks of the Regular Report and Dashboard type can be created in the Dashboards tool. Creating of blocks of Express Report and Time Series type requires advanced settings. These settings do not affect the availability of reports in the saved dashboards.

Solution for Web Application

  1. Open the PP.xml file.

  2. Add the following code to the PP.xml file to the <pp> section:

        <ReportBox TimeSeries="true" ExpressReport="true"/>
  1. Save change and close the PP.xml file.

  2. Restart the web server used by the web application, and BI server.

The TimeSeries="true" value is responsible for the Time Series block availability, the ExpressReport="true" value - for the Express Report block. Only one value can be defined, if creation of only one block must be allowed.

Example of the PP.xml File that Contains Settings Enabling Creation of all Types of Blocks that are used to Work with Reports

    <service url="http://localhost/fpBI_App_v9.2x64/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som"/>
    <metabase id="FPRepository"/>
        <culture cultureName="ru"/>
        <culture cultureName="en"/>
            <ReportBox TimeSeries="true" ExpressReport="true"/>

Solution for Desktop Application

The desktop application enables the user to set availability of creating blocks that are used to work with reports in the system registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\Dashboard. To enable creating of a block, add the DWORD parameter to the registry branch with the 1 value. The parameter name corresponds with the report type:

To exclude a block from the list of blocks available for creating, set the appropriate parameter to 0.

NOTE. The user must have permissions to edit the system registry to enable creating of blocks in the desktop application.

Order of actions for enabling of creation of all possible blocks that are used to work with reports:

  1. Open the registry for edit.

  2. Go to the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\9.0\Dashboard.

  3. Find the ExpressAnalyze parameter of the DWORD type. If the parameter is missing, create it.

  4. Set the value 1 to the ExpressAnalyze parameter.

  5. Repeat the third and the fourth steps for the Workbook parameter.

  6. Close the registry after saving changes.

See also:

Questions and Answers | Inserting and Setting Up Reports