Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabRange > ITabRange.Address
Address: String;
Address: string;
The Address property returns cell range address as a string.
If the range consists of a single cell the address includes name of the column and the row intersection of which forms the cell (for example A1). If the range consists of multiple cells the address includes location of the top left and bottom right cells that show the range borders (For example, A1:D5).
When working with data grid displayed in the TabSheetBox or ReportBox component, the value returned by this property depends on the DisplayNumericColumnNames property of these components:
If DisplayNumericColumnNames = True, value of the Address property is displayed in R1C1 format.
If DisplayNumericColumnNames = False, value of the Address property is displayed in A1 format.
The property use is given in description of the ITabFormatFormula.Condition property.
See also: