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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabFootnotes


Assembly: Tab;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;


The ITabFootnotes interface contains properties and methods to work with collection of footnotes in the table.

Inheritance hierarchy




The ITabSheet.Footnotes property returns collection of table footnotes.


  Property name Brief description
BackgroundBrush The BackgroundBrush property determines a brush that is used to fill the footnote panel background.
CustomMark The CustomMark property determines custom label that is used to determine footnotes.
CustomMarkFontName The CustomMarkFontName property determines name of the font that is used to render labels.
Font The Font property determines font used for footnote text drawing.
InUpdate The InUpdate property returns whether mode of footnote update interdiction is active.
Location The Location property determines footnote location in case of table dividing to separate pages.
NumberingRule The NumberingRule property determines footnote numeration rule for different tables of several sheets.
NumberStyle The NumberStyle property determines style of numbers used for footnote numbering.
StartingNumber The StartingNumber property determines initial value starting from which footnotes are automatically numerated.
UniqueNumbers The UniqueNumbers property determines whether footnotes with the same text will have unique numbers.

Properties inherited from ITabFootnoteCollection

  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns number of footnotes in collection.
IndexOf The IndexOf property returns index in the collection for the specified footnote.
Item The Item property returns parameters of the footnote with the specified index.


  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables footnote update for time-saving linked to its drawing and to data updating in footnotes.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method restarts footnote update.

Methods inherited from ITabFootnoteCollection

  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method creates a footnote for the specified cell and returns its parameters.
Clear The Clear method clears collection of footnotes.
Remove The Remove method removes the specified footnote from collection and returns whether the removing was successful.
RemoveAt The RemoveAt method removes the footnote with the specified index from collection and returns whether the removing was successful.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces