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Tab > Tab Assembly Classes > TabCellAfterEditBaseEventArgs


Assembly: Tab;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;


The TabCellAfterEditBaseEventArgs class implements argument of the event which occurs after you finish editing a table cell of the LanerBox component.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class that is used to get analog of the TabCellAfterEditBaseEventArgs class:


Class that is used to get analog of the TabCellAfterEditBaseEventArgs class object:



  Constructor name Description
Create The Create constructor creates event argument containing the indicator of changed cell value.

Constructors Inherited from TabCellBaseEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateTabCellArgs The CreateTabCellArgs constructor creates argument of events related to a table cell.

Constructors Inherited from TabSheetBaseEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateArgs The CreateArgs constructor creates event argument related to the component's table.

Class object properties inherited from ITabCellAfterEditBaseEventArgs

  Property name Description
Changed The Changed property returns whether the value is changed after the table cell is edited.

Properties of Class Object Inherited from ITabCellBaseEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Column The Column property returns index of the column containing the table cell.
Row The Row property returns index of the row containing the table cell.

Properties of Class Object Inherited from ITabSheetBaseEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
TabSheet The TabSheet property returns table of the component for which the event is generated.

See also:

Tab Assembly Classes