Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > IStatistics > IStatistics.PercentRank
PercentRank(Data: Array; Value: Double; Significance: Integer): Double;
Data. Data array that determines relative position;
Value. The value for which the percentage is determined;
Significance. Optional value that determines the number of significant digits for the returned percentage value. The value must meet the constraint: Significance >= 1.
The PercentRank method returns the rank of a value in a data set as the value percentage in the data set.
This function is used to estimate the relative position of a data point in a set of data.
If the specified Value does not match any of the Data argument values, the PercentRank function performs interpolation and returns the adjusted percentage value.
Sub Main;
st: Statistics;
d0: Double;
y: Array Of Double;
y := New Double[7];
y[00] := 6;
y[01] := 7;
y[02] := 9;
y[03] := 15;
y[04] := 21;
y[05] := 24;
y[06] := 25;
st := New Statistics.Create;
d0 := st.PercentRank(y,7,3);
Debug.WriteLine("Rank %: " + d0.ToString);
End Sub Main;
After you have executed this example the console window shows the rank of the number 7 (%) in the specified data array:
Module execution started
Rank %: 0.16600000000000001
Module execution finished
See also: