Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > IStatistics > IStatistics.FTest
FTest(A1: Array; A2: Array): Double;
FTest(A1: System.Array; A2: System.Array): double;
A1. First data series.
A2. Second data series.
The FTest method returns the F-test result.
F test returns single-sided probability of that variances of the A1 and A2 series do not differ significantly. Use this function to determine whether two samples have different variances.
For correct calculation the A1 and A2 series:
Should contain two or more points.
Should be non-constant.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
st: Statistics;
d0: Double;
y, x: Array Of Double;
y := New Double[8];
y[00] := 6; y[04] := 21;
y[01] := 7; y[05] := 24;
y[02] := 9; y[06] := 25;
y[03] := 15; y[07] := 17;
x := New Double[8];
x[00] := 20; x[04] := 40;
x[01] := 28; x[05] := 43;
x[02] := 31; x[06] := 51;
x[03] := 38; x[07] := 31;
st := New Statistics.Create;
d0 := st.FTest(y, x);
If st.Status <> 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("F test: " + d0.ToString);
End If;
End Sub UserProc
After executing the example the console window displays F test result.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
st: Statistics;
d0: Double;
y, x: Array Of Double;
y := New Double[8];
y[00] := 6; y[04] := 21;
y[01] := 7; y[05] := 24;
y[02] := 9; y[06] := 25;
y[03] := 15; y[07] := 17;
x := New Double[8];
x[00] := 20; x[04] := 40;
x[01] := 28; x[05] := 43;
x[02] := 31; x[06] := 51;
x[03] := 38; x[07] := 31;
st := New Statistics.Create();
d0 := st.FTest(y, x);
If st.Status <> 0 Then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("F test: " + d0.ToString());
End If;
End Sub;
See also: