Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > IStatistics > IStatistics.DevSq
DevSq(Values: Array): Double;
Values, The set of values whose squared deviations are summed up.
The DevSq method returns the sum of data points' squared deviations from their mean.
Sub Main;
st: Statistics;
d0: Double;
y: Array Of Double;
y := New Double[10];
y[00] := 1.6;
y[01] := 1.7;
y[02] := 1.8;
y[03] := 1.9;
y[04] := 2;
y[05] := 2.1;
y[06] := 2.2;
y[07] := 2.3;
y[08] := 2.4;
y[09] := 2.8;
st := New Statistics.Create;
d0 := st.DevSq(y);
Debug.WriteLine("Sum of squared deviations: " + d0.ToString);
End Sub Main;
Executing this example shows the sum of squared deviations in the console window:
Module execution started
Sum of squared deviations: 1.1759999999999997
Module execution finished
See also: