Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISmWeibullDistribution > ISmWeibullDistribution.A
A: Double;
The A property determines the value of the shape distribution parameter for a random value.
Property value must be greater than zero.
To execute the example, the form must have the ChartBox component and the UiChart component which serves as the source for ChartBox.
Class OBJ18692Form: Form
ChartBox1: ChartBox;
UiChart1: UiChart;
Weibull: SmWeibullDistribution;
Values: Array Of Double;
Const Cnt = 100;
Sub OBJ18692FormOnCreate(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
Weibull := New SmWeibullDistribution.Create;
Text := Weibull.DisplayName;
Weibull.A := 3.2;
Weibull.B := 0.8;
Values := Weibull.RandomVector(Cnt);
UiChart1.PointCount := cnt;
End Sub OBJ18692FormOnCreate;
Sub UiChart1OnGetDataValue(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartGetDataValueEventArgs);
If Args.PointIndex < Cnt Then
Args.Value := Values[Args.PointIndex];
Args.Result := True;
End If;
End Sub UiChart1OnGetDataValue;
End Class OBJ18692Form;
Executing this example makes a Weibull distribution chart:
See also: