Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISmNonLinearEquations > ISmNonLinearEquations.JacobianCalcFrequency
JacobianCalcFrequency: Integer;
The JacobianCalcFrequency property determines how often the Jacobian is calculated when a non-linear equation system is solved using the Newton method.
Default value is one: that is, the Jacobian is calculated at each iteration. The greater is the value of this property, the less often the Jacobian is calculated and the higher is the speed of equation system solving.
Method of system solving is determined by the ISmNonLinearEquations.MethodType property: it must be set to NonLinearEquationsType.NewtonMethod. When other calculation methods are selected, JacobianCalcFrequency is ignored.
To execute the example you need to add a link to the system assembly Stat.
Sub Main;
Eqs: ISmNonLinearEquations;
Funcs: Array [0..2] Of String;
inits: Array[0..2] Of Double;
res: Integer;
Sub Print(Data: Array Of Double);
i: Integer;
CI: ICultureInfo;
CI := CultureInfo.Current;
For i := 0 To Data.Length - 1 Do
If Double.IsNan(Data[i]) Then
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ", " + CI.FormatDoublePrec(Data[i], 4));
End If;
End For;
End Sub Print;
Eqs := New SmNonLinearEquations.Create As ISmNonLinearEquations;
funcs[0] := "X1-22+0.5*X2-X3";
funcs[1] := "X2-26.5+2*X1+0.5*X3";
funcs[2] := "X3+9-X1+6*X2";
Eqs.Functions := Funcs;
Eqs.CoefficientsOrder := "X1;X2;X3";
inits[0] := 10; //x1
inits[1] := 0; //x2
inits[2] := -1; //x3
Eqs.InitApproximation := inits;
Eqs.JacobianCalcFrequency := 5;
Eqs.LinearEqSolutionMethod := LinearEqSolutionType.InvMatrix;
Eqs.MethodType := NonLinearEquationsType.NewtonMethod;
Eqs.DerivativeShift := 0.6;
res := Eqs.Execute;
If res <> 0 Then
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a nonlinear equation system is created and parameters for calculating this system using Newton method are adjusted:
Increment of argument: 0.6;
Jacobian calculation frequency: each fifth iteration;
Method for calculating the next approximation is inverse matrix.
Next the system is calculated and the console window displays the solution:
Module execution started
0, 14.0000
1, 2.0000
2, -7.0000
Module execution finished
See also: