Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISmLogNormalDistribution > ISmLogNormalDistribution.Mean
Mean: Double;
The Mean property determines expected value.
To execute the example, the form must have the ChartBox component and the UiChart component which serves as the source for ChartBox.
Class OBJ18693Form: Form
ChartBox1: ChartBox;
UiChart1: UiChart;
LogNorm: SmLogNormalDistribution;
Values: Array Of Double;
Const Cnt = 100;
Sub OBJ18693FormOnCreate(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
LogNorm := New SmLogNormalDistribution.Create;
Text := LogNorm.DisplayName;
LogNorm.Mean := 3.6;
LogNorm.Variance := 0.5;
Values := LogNorm.RandomVector(Cnt);
UiChart1.PointCount := cnt;
End Sub OBJ18693FormOnCreate;
Sub UiChart1OnGetDataValue(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartGetDataValueEventArgs);
If Args.PointIndex < Cnt Then
Args.Value := Values[Args.PointIndex];
Args.Result := True;
End If;
End Sub UiChart1OnGetDataValue;
End Class OBJ18693Form;
After executing the example a graph of logarithmically normal distribution is created:
See also: