Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISmLinearRegress > ISmLinearRegress.PDLTermCollection
PDLTermCollection: ISlPDLTermCollection;
The PDLTermCollection property returns a collection of lag variables.
Each element of the collection is implemented by the ISlPDLTerm interface that enables the user to set lag variable and define its parameters.
To execute the example you need to add a link to the system assembly Stat.
Sub UserProc;
Method: SmLinearRegress;
Factors: ISlSeries;
Serie, Factor, ger, jpn: Array[20] Of Double;
PDLTermCollect: ISlPDLTermCollection;
PDLTerm: ISlPDLTerm;
Sub Print(Data: Array Of Double);
Var i: Integer;
d: Double;
For i := 0 To Data.Length - 1 Do
If Double.IsNan(Data[i]) Then
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ", ---empty---");
d := Data[i];
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ", " + d.ToString);
End If;
End For;
End Sub Print;
Method := New SmLinearRegress.Create;
// explained variable
Serie[00] := 6209; Serie[10] := 7132;
Serie[01] := 6385; Serie[11] := 7137;
Serie[02] := 6752; Serie[12] := 7473;
Serie[03] := 6837; Serie[13] := 7722;
Serie[04] := 6495; Serie[14] := 8088;
Serie[05] := 6907; Serie[15] := Double.Nan;
Serie[06] := 7349; Serie[16] := Double.Nan;
Serie[07] := 7213; Serie[17] := 9064;
Serie[08] := 7061; Serie[18] := 9380;
Serie[09] := 7180; Serie[19] := 9746;
// explanatory variable
Factor[00] := 4110; Factor[10] := 5948;
Factor[01] := 4280; Factor[11] := 6218;
Factor[02] := 4459; Factor[12] := 6521;
Factor[03] := 4545; Factor[13] := 6788;
Factor[04] := 4664; Factor[14] := 7222;
Factor[05] := 4861; Factor[15] := 7486;
Factor[06] := 5195; Factor[16] := 7832;
Factor[07] := 5389; Factor[17] := 8153;
Factor[08] := 5463; Factor[18] := 8468;
Factor[09] := 5610; Factor[19] := 9054;
// first lag variable
ger[00] := 3415; ger[10] := 6633;
ger[01] := 3673; ger[11] := 6910;
ger[02] := 4013; ger[12] := 7146;
ger[03] := 4278; ger[13] := 7248;
ger[04] := 4577; ger[14] := 7689;
ger[05] := 5135; ger[15] := 8046;
ger[06] := 5388; ger[16] := 8143;
ger[07] := 5610; ger[17] := 8064;
ger[08] := 5787; ger[18] := 8556;
ger[09] := 6181; ger[19] := 9177;
// second lag variable
jpn[00] := 1475; jpn[10] := 3052;
jpn[01] := 1649; jpn[11] := 3453;
jpn[02] := 1787; jpn[12] := 3666;
jpn[03] := 1884; jpn[13] := 4008;
jpn[04] := 1972; jpn[14] := 4486;
jpn[05] := 2108; jpn[15] := 4663;
jpn[06] := 2249; jpn[16] := 5115;
jpn[07] := 2394; jpn[17] := 5655;
jpn[08] := 2505; jpn[18] := 6358;
jpn[09] := 2714; jpn[19] := 6995;
// set explained and explanatory variables
Method.Explained.Value := Serie;
Factors := Method.Explanatories;
Factors.Add.Value := Factor;
// set regression parameters
Method.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.LinInterpolation;
Method.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
Method.Forecast.LastPoint := 30;
// set lag variables
PDLTermCollect := Method.PDLTermCollection;
If PDLTermCollect.Count > 0 Then
End If;
// set parameters of the first lag variable
PDLTerm := PDLTermCollect.Add;
PDLTerm.Explanatory.Value := ger;
PDLTerm.PDLConstraint := PDLConstraintType.Both;
PDLTerm.PolinomialDegreeP := 4;
PDLTerm.LagLengthK := 1;
// set parameters of the second lag variable
PDLTerm := PDLTermCollect.Add;
PDLTerm.Explanatory.Value := jpn;
PDLTerm.PDLConstraint := PDLConstraintType.FarEnd;
PDLTerm.PolinomialDegreeP := 2;
PDLTerm.LagLengthK := 2;
If Method.Execute = 0 Then
// calculate method with lag variables, output results
Debug.WriteLine("--- Calculate with lag variables ---");
Debug.WriteLine("=== Sum by coefficients ===");
Debug.WriteLine("=== Sum of standard errors ===");
Debug.WriteLine("=== Sum of t-statistics ===");
Debug.WriteLine("=== Value of coefficients of the first lag variable ===");
PDLTerm := PDLTermCollect.Item(0);
Debug.WriteLine("=== Value of coefficients of the second lag variable ===");
PDLTerm := PDLTermCollect.Item(1);
Debug.WriteLine("=== Model series ===");
// remove lag variables
// calculate method without lag variables, output results
Debug.WriteLine("--- Calculate without lag variables ---");
Debug.WriteLine("=== Model series ===");
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
The following parameters for linear regression calculation are defined in this axample:
explained, explanatory and two lag variables;
Lag, polynomial degree and component cutoff method are defined for each lag variable.
Then this method is calculated using lag variables and without using lag variables. Both times calculation results are displayed in the console window:
--- Calculation using lag variables ---
=== Sum by coefficients ===
=== Standard errors' sum ===
=== T-statistics sum ===
=== Value of the1st lag variable coefficients ===
0, -1.7962778395230557E+030
1, 0
=== Value of the2nd lag variable coefficients ===
0, -0.72547345120881013
1, 0.027016101144493737
2, 0.43916997401813851
=== Model series ===
0, ---empty---
1, ---empty---
2, 6746.6262960822805
3, 6705.2419410586554
4, 6811.0056257257002
5, 6865.9015751798979
6, 7292.6256724880859
7, 7154.7388452839468
8, 7034.0549816297171
9, 7019.5326444809853
10, 7175.7552959831073
11, 7133.7987951692921
12, 7493.2677988806945
13, 7752.1833310759594
14, 8246.7312273784864
15, 8412.3662053850512
16, 8747.7534296460744
17, 9049.2002280807264
18, 9295.9170202707646
19, 9751.2990862005718
--- Calculation without lag variables ---
=== Model series ===
0, ---empty---
1, ---empty---
2, 6613.769915787384
3, 6773.9117223980902
4, 6876.8830698908987
5, 6906.7321402631733
6, 6883.5744185839867
7, 6964.012416733297
8, 7099.7805343158489
9, 7199.9024146523625
10, 7212.3379803167554
11, 7375.27145090251
12, 7662.7794419466027
13, 7976.5614721920238
14, 8075.9943825777045
15, 8402.5141370048095
16, 8745.8416724303534
17, 8884.288279843915
18, 9302.1786791848208
19, 9731.6658709754629
See also: