Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Installing Additional Services and Equipment > Installing Development Tools
Development tools is a set of Foresight Analytics Platform .NET assemblies registered in global assemblies cache (GAC), that enables the use of Foresight Analytics Platform components on developing in .NET platform, and writes installation path of Foresight Analytics Platform to the PATH system variable.
It is required to register assemblies in the global cache to be able to use Foresight Analytics Platform components in user applications based on .NET platform.
Assemblies can be connected from the global cache via the links window of .NET assembly.
To install the distribution file, the number of development tool assembly must match the number of Foresight Analytics Platform build number.
While running, the installation program checks for other installed versions of development tool assemblies:
If another version is installed on the computer, the user is prompted to update development tools.
If no other version is found, the add-in installation, containing the following steps, starts:
Start installation of development tools
See also: