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Web Service > Web Service Operations > Interactive Visual Components

Interactive Visual Components

This section contains description of operations that are used to work with various visualizers. Visualizers are used in various tools of Foresight Analytics Platform to present information. The operations enable the user to get and change visualizer settings.

  Operation Brief description
The GetBubbleTree operation gets bubble tree settings.
The GetChart operation gets chart data.
The GetDefaultChart operation enables the user to get a new chart with default settings.
The GetMap operation gets map metadata.
The GetSpeedometer operation gets speedometer settings.
The GetStyle operation gets formatting style for the specified table area displaying an analytical data area.
The GetTabSheetData operation gets table data and metadata.
The GetTreeMap operation gets tree map settings.
The SetBubbleTree operation changes bubble tree settings.
The SetChart operation changes chart data.
The SetMap operation changes map metadata.
The SetSpeedometer operation changes speedometer settings.
The SetStyle operation changes formatting style for the specified table area displaying an analytical data area.
The SetTabSheetData operation changes table data and metadata.
The SetBubbleTree operation changes tree map settings.

Operations for working with table:

  Operation Brief description
TabDeleteColumns The TabDeleteColumns operation deletes table columns.
TabDeleteRows The TabDeleteRows operation deletes table rows.
TabGetImages The TabGetImages operation gets the collection of table images.
TabInsertColumns The TabInsertColumns operation adds columns to table.
TabInsertRows The TabInsertRows operation adds rows to table.
TabLoadImage The TabLoadImage operation loads a new image to table.
TabRangeClear The TabRangeClearArg operation clears the specified element of a cell range.
TabRangeDelete The TabRangeDelete operation deletes cell range with shifting of other table elements.
TabRangeInsert The TabRangeInsert operation inserts cell range with shifting of other table elements.
TabRangeMerge The TabRangeMerge operation merges table cell range.
TabRangeUnmerge The TabRangeUnmerge operation unmerges table cell range.
ValidateFormatNumber The ValidateFormatNumber operation checks if the specified custom format can be used in table cells.

See also:

Web Service Operations