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Web Service > Web Service Operations > Specific Operations > SetExp



GetTreeElementsResult SetExp(

ExpressionId tExpressionId,

TermProviderId tTermProviderId,

ExpOperations tOperations,

ExpressionArgs tExpressionAgrs)


tExpressionId. Moniker of the expression, for which operation is executed.

tTermProviderId. Moniker of the provider, which will process terms.

tOperations. Operation execution parameters.

tExpressionAgrs. Terms and term parameters used on executing the operation.


The SetExp operation is used to form terms by the sent information.


This operation enables the user to get terms that are used to form end expressions by the sent information about dimension elements, functions (mathematical, statistical, and so on), operations (arithmetic, logical, and so on). The obtained expressions are used by Foresight Analytics Platform kernel to calculate values.

To execute the operation, specify monikers of the expression, for which terms are formed, in tExpressionId and tTermProviderId, and the provider that processes terms and creates their formulas. Monikers are created depending on the object, which expression editor was worked with. Generally, monikers look as follows: "object moniker"!"object prefix"!Trans!"transformation type"!"transformation key"!"postfix".


Operation execution parameters are specified in tOperations, and terms and parameters for creating forms that will be used on operation execution are specified in tExpressionAgrs.

The operation results in the formed internal term views that can be used to create expressions, or information about errors if incorrect term data is specified.


Below is the example of using the SetExp operation for processing term set and for forming a new term by the operation about dimension element. The request contains a term set and parameters for creating a new term. The response contains formed internal term views and information about a new term.




See also:

Specific Operations