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IO > IO Assembly Interfaces > ITextReader


Assembly: IO;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeIO;


The ITextReader interface contains properties and methods that are used to read text data.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To read data saved in the text format, initialize the stream linked to the place, from which data will be read. The following streams are available:

Pass the created stream to the constructor of the TextReader type. On working with the constructor the object is created that enables the user to read data in the text format. Use the Encoding property to specify the encoding, in which data is read. After that it is possible to read data by using various methods of the ITextReader interface. The Eof property enables the user to control data reading and determine when all data is read.


  Property name Brief description
The Encoding property determines a text encoding to read from a file.
The Eof property returns whether end of a file text is reached.
The WordDelimiters property determines a delimiter between words while reading a text file.


  Method name Brief description
The ReadBoolean method reads a logical value from a text file.
The ReadChar method reads characters from a text file.
The ReadDateTime method reads date and time from a text file.
The ReadDouble method reads real numbers from a text file.
The ReadInteger method reads an integer value from a text file.
The ReadLine method reads a character string from a text file.
The ReadString method reads a character string of the specified length.
The ReadToEnd method reads a text file as one character string.
The ReadWord method reads words taking into account delimiters.

See also:

IO Assembly Interfaces