IO > IO Assembly Interfaces > IIOStream > IIOStream.WriteByte
WriteByte(Byte: Integer);
Byte - data byte that must be written into a stream.
The WriteByte method writes a data byte into a stream. Insert is executed into the current position of a stream.
Sub UserProc;
File1: IFileInfo;
BinW: IBinaryWriter;
Stream: IIOStream;
i: Integer;
File1 := New FileInfo.Attach("c:\1.dat");
If File1.Exists Then
BinW := File1.OpenBinaryWriter(True);
Stream := BinW.Stream;
For i := 65 To 90 Do
End For;
End If;
Dispose File1;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the bytes sequence is written into the 1.dat file.
See also: