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IO > IO Assembly Interfaces > IDirectory



The IDirectory interface contains static methods of the Directory class.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Method name Brief description
The Copy method copies a directory.
The CreateDirectory method creates the specified directory.
The Delete method deletes the specified directory.
The Exists method checks if the specified directory exists.
The GetAttributes method returns directory attributes.
The GetCreationTime method returns date and time of a directory creation.
The GetCurrentDirectory method returns the path to the current working directory of application.
The GetDirectories method returns the name of all subdirectories of the specified directory.
The GetDirectoryRoot method returns the path of a root directory for the specified directory.
The GetFiles method returns the list of directory files.
The GetFileSystemEntries method returns names of all subdirectories and files of the specified directory.
The GetLastAccessTime method returns date and time of the last access to a directory.
The GetLastWriteTime method returns date and time of the last edit of a directory contents.
The GetLogicalDrives method returns the list of logical drives on the current computer.
The GetParent method returns information about a parent directory of the specified directory.
The Move method moves a directory.
The SetAttributes method sets specified attributes for a directory.
The SetCreationTime method changes date and time of a directory creation.
The SetCurrentDirectory method changes a working directory for an application.
The SetLastAccessTime method changes date and time of the last access to a directory.
The SetLastWriteTime method determines date and time of the last edit of a directory contents.

See also:

IO Assembly Interfaces