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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxTitle


Assembly: Drawing;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;


The IGxTitle interface contains basic properties and methods that are used to work with an object graphical title.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The interface is basic for the following interfaces:


  Property name Brief description

The AutoHeight property determines whether title height is automatically resized to fit contents.

BackgroundColor The BackgroundColor property determines background color of the caption.
BlackAndWhite The BlackAndWhite property determines whether the caption is printed in black and white.
CustomFormat The CustomFormat property determines number format in the header value.
Font The Font property determines the caption font.
FormattedText The FormattedText property determines text header used to be shown in the RTF format.
FormattedTitle The FormattedTitle property returns header text used to be shown in the RTF format.
Height The Height property determines the caption area height.
HtmlText The HtmlText property determines header text in the HTML markup language.
HtmlTitle The HtmlTitle property returns the header text obtained after processing of substitutes, in the HTML markup language.
IsControl The IsControl property determines whether the caption is displayed as a control.
IsTagIncluded The IsTagIncluded property determines whether the selected substitution is in the caption.
Text The Text property determines caption text.
TextAlignment The TextAlignment property determines horizontal alignment of the caption text.
TextColor The TextColor property determines the caption text color.
Title The Title property returns the title text obtained after processing of substitutions.
VerticalAlignment The VerticalAlignment property determines vertical alignment of the caption text.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the caption is visible.

The WrappedText property determines whether to wrap the title text to the next line if it is not fitted in one line.

XamlText Outdated. Use IGxTitle.FormattedText.
XamlTitle Outdated. Use IGxTitle.FormattedTitle.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces