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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxThemeColors


Assembly: Drawing;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;


The IGxThemeColors interface contains static methods of the GxThemeColors class that is used to get colors of the control elements in accordance with the used theme.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
ActiveBorder The ActiveBorder property returns the color of the active window border.
ActiveCaption The ActiveCaption property returns the background color of the active window caption.
ActiveCaptionGradient The ActiveCaptionGradient property returns the color that is the lightest color in the gradient of the active window caption.
BarDkShadow The BarDkShadow property returns the dark color of the shadow of the popup bars.
BarFace The BarFace property restores the color of the popup bar face.
BarHighlight The BarHighlight property returns the color used to draw the brightest part of the popup bar border.
BarLight The BarLight property returns the color used to draw the popup bar border.
BarShadow The BarShadow property returns the shadow color of the popup bar.
BarText The BarText property returns the color in the client part of the popup bar.
BarWindow The BarWindow property returns the background color in the client part of the popup bar.
BtnDkShadow The BtnDkShadow property restores the dark color of the 3D element shadow.
BtnFace The BtnFace property returns the color of the face part of the 3D element.
BtnHighlight The BtnHighlight property returns the selection color of the 3D element.
BtnLight The BtnLight property returns the light color of the 3D element.
BtnShadow The BtnShadow property returns the shadow color of the 3D element.
BtnText The BtnText property restores the color of the 3D element text.
CaptionText The CaptionText property restores color of the caption text of the active window.
GrayedText The GrayedText property returns the color of the gray text.
Highlight The Highlight property returns the background color of the selected elements.
HotLinkText The HotLinkText property returns the color of the selected hyperlinks.
HotText The HotText property returns the color of the hyperlinks.
InactiveBorder The InactiveBorder property returns the color of the inactive window border.
InactiveCaption The InactiveCaption property returns the background color of the inactive window caption.
InactiveCaptionGradient The InactiveCaptionGradient property returns the color that is the lightest gradient color of the inactive window caption.
InactiveCaptionText The InactiveCaptionText property returns the caption text of the inactive window.
MenuText The MenuText property returns the text color of the menu elements.
TextHighlight The TextHighlight property returns the text color of the selected elements.
Window The Window property returns the background color in the client area of the window.
WindowFrame The WindowFrame property returns the color of the window frame.
WindowText The WindowText property returns the text color in the client area of the window.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces