Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxStamp > IGxStamp.Rtf
Rtf: String;
Rtf: String;
The Rtf property determines marking stamp text in the RTF format.
To convert stamp text into the RTF format, use the ITextConverter.Export method.
Stamp text may contain substitutions:
&[COPYNUMBER]. Printed copy number. To work with substitution, determine the IGxDocument.OwnMultiCopiesPrint property. The substitution value is equal to 1 on export.
&[PAGES]. The total number of pages in a document.
&[PAGE]. The page number relative to the total number of pages in a document.
&[SHEET.PAGES]. The number of sheet pages.
&[SHEET.PAGE]. The sheet page number relative to the total number of sheet pages.
The example of use is given in the IGxDocument.Stamps property.
See also: