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Mobile Application > Examples of pplib++ Library Use > Working with Dimension Elements

Working with Dimension Elements

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example describes some methods of working with data source dimension elements. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code instead of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Data Analysis section):

-(void)executeExample {
    // Get array of cube dimensions
    SNArray allDimensions = [self allDimensions];
    // Get cube dimension with the index in array
    SPPLDimension dimension = allDimensions->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(1);
    // Get current dimension elements
    SPPLDimensionElements dimensionElements = dimension->elements();
    // Get dimension element tree
    SPPLCommonTree dimensionElementsItemsTree = dimensionElements->itemsTree();
    // Create a new dimension element object based on obtained tree
    SPPLDimensionElements createdElements = new PPLDimensionElements(dimensionElementsItemsTree);
    // Get description of dimension elements
    SNString elementsDescription = createdElements->description();
    printf("Description of dimension elements:\n%s\n", elementsDescription->UTF8String());
    // Get array of all dimension element keys
    SNInt64Array elementsItemsKeys = createdElements->itemsKeys();
    // Get element key with the index 0
    int64 elementKey = elementsItemsKeys->objectAtIndex(0);
    // Get dimension element by key
    SPPLDimensionElement baseElement = createdElements->getElementByKey(elementKey);
    SPPLDimensionElement element = new PPLDimensionElement::PPLDimensionElement(dimensionElementDescription(baseElement), baseElement->relatedDimension());
    // Get selected element name
    printf("Dimension element: %s\n", baseElement->name()->UTF8String());
    printf("Element description:\n%s\n", baseElement->description()->UTF8String());
    printf("Dimension element hash code: %d\n", baseElement->hash());
    printf("Dimension element key: %lld\n", element->key());
    // Get parent element
    SPPLDimensionElement parentElement = createdElements->getParentElement(element);
    if(parentElement != NULL) {
        printf("Parent element: %s\n", parentElement->name()->UTF8String());
    } else printf("Parent element is missing\n");
    // Get parent element key
    printf("Parent element key: %lld\n", element->parentKey());
    // Get linked element dimension
    printf("Linked dimension: %s\n", baseElement->relatedDimension()->name()->UTF8String());
    // Get selected dimension attributes
    SPPLDimensionAttributes attributes = baseElement->relatedDimension()->attributes();
    // Get array of attributes
    SNArray attributesArray = attributes->items();
    if (attributesArray->count() > 0) {
        // Get attribute with the index 0
        SPPLDimensionAttribute attribute = attributesArray->objectAtIndex<PPLDimensionAttribute>(0);
        printf("Linked dimension attribute: %s\n", attribute->name()->UTF8String());
        // Get element attribute identifier by attribute name
        SNID valueId = baseElement->valueByAttributeName(attribute->name());
        if (valueId != NULL) {
            // Get element attribute by attribute name
            NSmartPtr<NNumber> value = baseElement->valueByAttributeName<NNumber>(attribute->name());
            printf("Element attribute identifier: %s\n", valueId->description()->UTF8String());
            printf("Element attribute value: %d\n", value->integerValue());
// Returns dictionary with settings  of specified dimension element
SNDictionary dimensionElementDescription(SPPLDimensionElement element) {
    SNMutableDictionary dimensionElementDescription = NMutableDictionary::mutableDictionary();
    SPPLDimensionTableInfo tableInfo = element->relatedDimension()->tableInfo();
    dimensionElementDescription->setObjectForKey(NNumber::numberWithLongLong(element->key()), tableInfo->primaryKey());
    dimensionElementDescription->setObjectForKey(NNumber::numberWithLongLong(element->parentKey()), tableInfo->parentKey());
    return dimensionElementDescription;

After executing the example the development environment console displays description of dimension elements, information about selected dimension element, information about linked element dimension, and also identifier and values of selected element attribute:

Description of dimension elements:

Elements count: 173

Dimension element: World

Element description:

World ,(1, parent: 0)

Dimension element hash code: 1

Dimension element key: 1

Parent element is missing

Parent element key: 0

Linked dimension: Regions

Linked dimension attribute: TOPO_ID

Element attribute identifier: <NNumber:318106>

Element attribute value: 318106

See also:

Example of pplib++ Library Use