Mobile Application > Examples of pplib++ Library Use > Working with Cube Data Source
Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.
Mobile device: iPad.
This example describes some methods of working with a cube data source. After starting the example the following operations are executed:
A data source is created based on description of the repository object obtained from selected dimension.
A data source dimension array is obtained.
A cube data source is created based on description of the repository object obtained from selected dimension, and array of dimensions.
Cube data matrix is obtained.
Text description of cube data source is retrieved, and also information on the object, based on which a cube data source is created, is retrieved.
Cube data table description is retrieved, and also information on the name, primary key, fact key, date key and value key of cube data table are retrieved.
Cube fact table description is retrieved, and also information on the name, primary key and level key of cube fact table data level are retrieved.
Information on the name, type and also identifier of linked dimension is retrieved for one of the data table fields and cube fact table fields.
A new cube table field is created.
Executing the example requires to place the following code instead of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Data Analysis section):
-(void)executeExample { // Get cube dimension array SNArray allDimensions = [self allDimensions]; // Get first cube dimension in array SPPLDimension dimension = allDimensions->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(0); // Get description of object, based on which the current dimension is created SPPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor dimensionObjectDescriptor = dimension->relatedObjectDescriptor(); // Create a data source based on repository object description SPPLDataSource createdDataSource = PPLDataSource::dataSource(dimensionObjectDescriptor); // Get array of data source dimensions SNArray baseDimensions = createdDataSource->dimensions(); // Create a cube data source based on obtained repository object description SPPLCubeDataSource cubeDataSourse = PPLCubeDataSource::cubeDataSource(dimensionObjectDescriptor); // Get text description of cube object SNString cubeDescription = cubeDataSourse->description(); printf("Cube description:\n\n%s", cubeDescription->UTF8String()); // Get description of the repository object, based on which a cube data source is created SPPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor cubeDescriptor = cubeDataSourse->descriptor(); // Get name of the repository object, based on which a cube data source is created SNString cubeDescriptorName = cubeDescriptor->name(); printf("Name of the repository object, based on which a cube data source is created: %s\n", cubeDescriptorName->UTF8String()); if (cubeDataSourse->dataTableInfo()) { // Get dictionary with cube data table description SNMutableDictionary dataTableInfoDescription = cubeDataTableInfoDescription(cubeDataSourse->dataTableInfo()); // Create a cube data table description SPPLCubeDataTableInfo cubeDataTableInfo = PPLCubeDataTableInfo::dataTableInfo(dataTableInfoDescription); // Get cube data table name SNString cubeDataTableName = cubeDataTableInfo->name(); printf("Cube data table name: %s\n", cubeDataTableName->UTF8String()); // Get primary key of cube data table SNString cubeDataTablePrimaryKey = cubeDataTableInfo->primaryKey(); printf("Primary key of cube data table: %s\n", cubeDataTablePrimaryKey->UTF8String()); // Get cube data table fact key SNString cubeDataTableFactsKey = cubeDataTableInfo->factsKey(); printf("Cube data table fact key: %s\n", cubeDataTableFactsKey->UTF8String()); // Get cube data table fact key SNString cubeDataTableDateKey = cubeDataTableInfo->dateKey(); printf("Cube data table fact key: %s\n", cubeDataTableDateKey->UTF8String()); // Get cube data table value key SNString cubeDataTableValueKey = cubeDataTableInfo->valueKey(); printf("Cube data table value key: %s\n", cubeDataTableValueKey->UTF8String()); // Get array of all cube data table fields SNArray cubeDataTableFields = cubeDataTableInfo->fields(); // Get object of data table last field SPPLCubeTableField cubeDataTableField = cubeDataTableFields->objectAtIndex<PPLCubeTableField>(cubeDataTableFields->count() - 1); // Get field name SNString cubeDataTableFieldName = cubeDataTableField->name(); // Get field type SNString cubeDataTableFieldType = cubeDataTableField->type(); printf("Data table field:\"%s\", type %s\n", cubeDataTableFieldName->UTF8String(), cubeDataTableFieldType->UTF8String()); // Get identifier of dimension linked with field SNString cubeDataTableFieldRelatedDimensionsID = cubeDataTableField->relatedDimensionsId(); // Display information on identifier of dimension linked with field in the development environment console if(cubeDataTableFieldRelatedDimensionsID != NULL) { printf("Identifier of dimension linked with field \"%s\": %s\n", cubeDataTableFieldName->UTF8String(), cubeDataTableFieldRelatedDimensionsID->UTF8String()); } else { printf("Identifier of dimension linked with field \"%s\", missing\n", cubeDataTableFieldName->UTF8String()); } } else { printf("Dictionary with description of cube data table is not defined \n"); } if (cubeDataSourse->dataTableInfo()) { // Get dictionary with cube fact table description SNMutableDictionary facsTableInfoDescription = cubeFactsTableInfoDescription(cubeDataSourse->factsTableInfo()); // Create a cube fact table description SPPLCubeFactsTableInfo cubeFactsTableInfo = PPLCubeFactsTableInfo::factsTableInfo(facsTableInfoDescription); // Get cube fact table name SNString cubeFactsTableName = cubeFactsTableInfo->name(); printf("Cube fact table name: %s\n", cubeFactsTableName->UTF8String()); // Get name of cube fact table primary key SNString cubeFactsTablePrimaryKey = cubeFactsTableInfo->primaryKey(); printf("Cube fact table primary key: %s\n", cubeFactsTablePrimaryKey->UTF8String()); // Get cube fact table data level key SNString cubeFactsTableDataLevelKey = cubeFactsTableInfo->dataLevelKey(); printf("Cube fact table data level key: %s\n", cubeFactsTableDataLevelKey->UTF8String()); // Get array of all cube fact table fields SNArray cubeFactsTableFields = cubeFactsTableInfo->fields(); // Get object of fact table last field SPPLCubeTableField cubeFactsTableField = cubeFactsTableFields->objectAtIndex<PPLCubeTableField>(cubeFactsTableFields->count() - 1); // Get field name SNString cubeFactsTableFieldName = cubeFactsTableField->name(); // Get field type SNString cubeFactsTableFieldType = cubeFactsTableField->type(); printf("Fact table field:\"%s\", type %s\n", cubeFactsTableFieldName->UTF8String(), cubeFactsTableFieldType->UTF8String()); // Get identifier of dimension linked with field SNString cubeFactsTableFieldRelatedDimensionsID = cubeFactsTableField->relatedDimensionsId(); // Display information on identifier of dimension linked with field in the development environment console if(cubeFactsTableFieldRelatedDimensionsID != NULL) { printf("Identifier of dimension linked with field \"%s\": %s\n", cubeFactsTableFieldName->UTF8String(), cubeFactsTableFieldRelatedDimensionsID->UTF8String()); } else { printf("Identifier of dimension linked with field \"%s\", missing\n", cubeFactsTableFieldName->UTF8String()); } } else { printf("Dictionary with description of cube fact table is not defined \n"); } if (cubeDataSourse->dataTableInfo() != NULL && cubeDataSourse->dataTableInfo() != NULL) { // Get selection for object data source dimensions SPPLDimensionSelectionSet pivotSet = m_gridPivot->selectionSet(); // Get cube data matrix SPPLDataSourceMatrix cubeMatrix = cubeDataSourse->obtainMatrix(pivotSet, baseDimensions); if(cubeMatrix != NULL) printf("Cube matrix is successfully created\n"); else printf("Cube matrix is not created\n"); } else { printf("Cube matrix is not created \n"); } // Create a dictionary containing description of cube table new field SNMutableDictionary fieldDescription = NMutableDictionary::mutableDictionary(); // Add field name to dictionary fieldDescription->setObjectForKey(NStr("Comments"), NStr("name")); // Add field type to dictionary fieldDescription->setObjectForKey(NStr("INTEGER"), NStr("type")); // Create a new field of cube table SPPLCubeTableField field = PPLCubeTableField::tableField(fieldDescription); // Get new field name SNString tableName = field->name(); printf("Cube table new field name: %s\n", tableName->UTF8String()); } // Returns dictionary with description of cube data table SNMutableDictionary cubeDataTableInfoDescription (SPPLCubeDataTableInfo dataTableInfo) { SNMutableDictionary tableInfoDictionary = NMutableDictionary::mutableDictionary(); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(dataTableInfo->name(), NStr("name")); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(dataTableInfo->primaryKey(), NStr("primarykey")); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(dataTableInfo->factsKey(), NStr("facts")); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(dataTableInfo->dateKey(), NStr("date")); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(dataTableInfo->valueKey(), NStr("value")); if (dataTableInfo->fields() != NULL) { SNMutableArray fieldDictionaries = NMutableArray::mutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dataTableInfo->fields()->count(); i++) { SPPLCubeTableField field = dataTableInfo->fields()->objectAtIndex<PPLCubeTableField>(i); // Get dictionary with cube table field description SNMutableDictionary fieldDictionary = cubeTableFieldDescription(field); fieldDictionaries->addObject(fieldDictionary); } tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(fieldDictionaries, NStr("Fields")); } return tableInfoDictionary; } // Returns dictionary with cube fact table description SNMutableDictionary cubeFactsTableInfoDescription (SPPLCubeFactsTableInfo cubeFactsTableInfo) { SNMutableDictionary tableInfoDictionary = NMutableDictionary::mutableDictionary(); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(cubeFactsTableInfo->name(), NStr("name")); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(cubeFactsTableInfo->primaryKey(), NStr("primarykey")); tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(cubeFactsTableInfo->dataLevelKey(), NStr("datalevel")); if (cubeFactsTableInfo->fields() != NULL) { SNMutableArray fieldDictionaries = NMutableArray::mutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < cubeFactsTableInfo->fields()->count(); i++) { SPPLCubeTableField field = cubeFactsTableInfo->fields()->objectAtIndex<PPLCubeTableField>(i); // Get dictionary with cube table field description SNMutableDictionary fieldDictionary = cubeTableFieldDescription(field); fieldDictionaries->addObject(fieldDictionary); } tableInfoDictionary->setObjectForKey(fieldDictionaries, NStr("Fields")); } return tableInfoDictionary; } // Returns dictionary with cube table field description SNMutableDictionary cubeTableFieldDescription (SPPLCubeTableField field) { SNMutableDictionary fieldDictionary = NMutableDictionary::mutableDictionary(); fieldDictionary->setObjectForKey(field->name(), NStr("name")); fieldDictionary->setObjectForKey(field->type(), NStr("type")); fieldDictionary->setObjectForKey(field->relatedDimensionsId(), NStr("dim")); return fieldDictionary; }
After executing the example the development environment console displays result of cube matrix creation, information about cube data source, and also name of the created cube field:
Cube description:
descriptor: Object:
Key: 528
Name: World Development Indicators
Type: 3
Modified date: NDate: Thu 22 Dec 2011 18:21:01
Data source ref id: NULL
Hidden NO
Size: 449612
Version: 1646670
Dependencies: NULL
dimensions: <NMutableArray:
name: Calendar
Elements tree:
Elements count: 11
id: CUT_REGIONS_68045
name: Regions
Elements tree:
Elements count: 173
name: Indicators
Elements tree:
Elements count: 3
Name of the repository object, based on which a cube data source is created: World Development Indicators
Cube data table name: CUBE_DATA
Cube data table primary key: D_KEY
Cube data table fact key: F_KEY
Cube data table date key: DT
Cube data table value key: VALUE
Data table field:"VALUE", type REAL
Identifier of dimension linked to the "VALUE" field is missing
Cube fact table name: CUBE_FACTS
Cube fact table primary key: F_KEY
Cube fact table data level key: DL
Fact table field:"DL", type INTEGER
Identifier of dimension linked to the "DL" field is missing
Cube matrix is successfully created
Name of cube table new field: Comments
See also: