Mobile Application > Examples of pplib++ Library Use > Data Analysis > DataSource.h/.mm
Description: properties and methods for getting a chart cube data.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "ChartDataSource.h" #include "PPLPivotTable.h" #include "PPLDimension.h" #include "NFoundation.h" @interface DataSource : NSObject<ChartDataSource> { NSMutableArray *_timestampTitles; NSMutableArray *_timestampArray; NSMutableArray *_seriesKeys; NSMutableArray *_seriesTitles; double _yMin; double _yMax; double _xMin; double _xMax; double _secondaryYMin; double _secondaryYMax; double _accumulatedMin; double _accumulatedMax; double _accumulatedSecondaryMin; double _accumulatedSecondaryMax; NSMutableArray *data; NSMutableDictionary *seriesByKeys; SPPLPivotTable pivotTable; } - (id) init; - (id) initWithPivotTable:(PPLPivotTable *) olap; - (void) prepare; @end
#import "DataSource.h" #include "PPLDimensionElements.h" #include "PPLDimensionElement.h" @implementation DataSource @synthesize accumulatedMax = _accumulatedMax; @synthesize accumulatedMin = _accumulatedMin; @synthesize accumulatedSecondaryMax = _accumulatedSecondaryMax; @synthesize accumulatedSecondaryMin = _accumulatedSecondaryMin; @synthesize yMax = _yMax; @synthesize xMax = _xMax; @synthesize yMin = _yMin; @synthesize xMin = _xMin; @synthesize secondaryYMax = _secondaryYMax; @synthesize secondaryYMin = _secondaryYMin; @synthesize timestampArray = _timestampArray; @synthesize timestampTitles = _timestampTitles; - (id) init { self = [super init]; if(self) { _yMin = 0.0; _yMax = 0.0; _xMin = 0.0; _xMax = 0.0; _secondaryYMin = 0.0; _secondaryYMax = 0.0; _accumulatedMin = 0.0; _accumulatedMax = 0.0; _accumulatedSecondaryMin = 0.0; _accumulatedSecondaryMax = 0.0; // Determine data array data = [NSMutableArray new]; // Determine array with X axis labels NSMutableArray *tmp = [NSMutableArray new]; // Generate labels for(int i=0;i<15;i++) { [tmp addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i]]; } _timestampTitles = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:tmp] retain]; _timestampArray = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:tmp] retain]; // Generate data array values int val; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { NSMutableArray *line = [[NSMutableArray new] autorelease]; for (int j=0;j<15;j++) { val = sinf(M_PI * j * 45 / 180)*5*(i+1)+i; [line addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:val]]; } [data addObject:line]; } return self; } return nil; } -(id)initWithPivotTable:(PPLPivotTable *)olap { if (self=[super init]) { pivotTable = olap; _seriesKeys = [NSMutableArray new]; _seriesTitles = [NSMutableArray new]; _timestampArray = [NSMutableArray new]; _timestampTitles = [NSMutableArray new]; seriesByKeys = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _yMin = 0.0; _yMax = 0.0; _xMin = 0.0; _xMax = 0.0; _secondaryYMin = 0.0; _secondaryYMax = 0.0; _accumulatedMin = 0.0; _accumulatedMax = 0.0; _accumulatedSecondaryMin = 0.0; _accumulatedSecondaryMax = 0.0; [self showData]; } return self; } - (void)showData{ SNUIntArray selectedRowIndices = pivotTable->selectedRowIndices(); SNUIntArray selectedColumnIndices = pivotTable->selectedColumnIndices(); BOOL useSelection = !(selectedRowIndices->count() == 1 && selectedColumnIndices->count() == 1); BOOL hasSelectedRows = selectedRowIndices->count() > 0 && useSelection; BOOL hasSelectedColumns = selectedColumnIndices->count() > 0 && useSelection; [_seriesKeys removeAllObjects]; [_seriesTitles removeAllObjects]; [_timestampArray removeAllObjects]; [_timestampTitles removeAllObjects]; BOOL hasData = pivotTable->rowCount() > 0 && pivotTable->columnCount(); if (hasData) { SPPLPivotTableHeader leftTableHeader = pivotTable->leftHeader(); SPPLPivotTableHeader topTableHeader = pivotTable->topHeader(); SPPLDimension leftDimension = leftTableHeader->dimensions()->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(0); SPPLDimension topDimension = topTableHeader->dimensions()->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(0); BOOL timestampLoaded = NO; for (uint r = 0; r < pivotTable->rowCount(); ++r) { if (hasSelectedRows && !selectedRowIndices->containsObject(r)) { continue; } SPPLPivotTableHeaderElement leftHeaderElement = leftTableHeader->elements()->getElementByIndex(r); if (leftTableHeader->elements()->isElementInTotals(leftHeaderElement)) { continue; } if (leftTableHeader->elements()->isElementCalculated(leftHeaderElement)) { continue; } NSNumber *serieKey = nil; if (leftHeaderElement->correspondingDimensionElements()->count() == 1) { SPPLDimensionElement serieElement = leftHeaderElement->correspondingDimensionElements()->objectAtIndex<PPLDimensionElement>(0); serieKey = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:serieElement->key()]; } else { serieKey = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:r]; } NSString *serieTitle = nil; serieTitle = [self titleForHeaderElement:leftHeaderElement]; [_seriesKeys addObject:serieKey]; [_seriesTitles addObject:serieTitle]; for (uint c = 0; c < pivotTable->columnCount(); ++c) { if (hasSelectedColumns && !selectedColumnIndices->containsObject(c)) { continue; } SPPLPivotTableHeaderElement topHeaderElement = topTableHeader->elements()->getElementByIndex(c); if (topTableHeader->elements()->isElementInTotals(topHeaderElement)) { continue; } if (topTableHeader->elements()->isElementCalculated(topHeaderElement)) { continue; } if (!timestampLoaded) { NSString *timestampKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", c]; NSString *timestampTitle = nil; timestampTitle = [self titleForHeaderElement:topHeaderElement]; [_timestampArray addObject:timestampKey]; [_timestampTitles addObject:timestampTitle]; } NSMutableArray *serieData = [seriesByKeys objectForKey:serieKey]; if (serieData == NULL) { serieData = [NSMutableArray array]; [seriesByKeys setObject:serieData forKey:serieKey]; } SNID dataVal = pivotTable->getData(r, c); if (dataVal != NULL) { [serieData addObject:(NSObject *)dataVal->nsObject()]; } else { [serieData addObject:[NSNull null]]; } } timestampLoaded = YES; } } } - (NSString *)titleForHeaderElement:(PPLPivotTableHeaderElement *)element { SNArray dimensionElements = element->correspondingDimensionElements(); NSMutableString *title = [NSMutableString string]; BOOL isFirstTime = YES; N_FOREACH(SPPLDimensionElement, dimensionElement, dimensionElements) { [title appendFormat:(isFirstTime ? @"%@" : @"\n%@"), dimensionElement->name()->nsString()]; isFirstTime = NO; } return title; } // Determine series data - (NSArray *) seriesDataWithIndex:(int)seriesIndex { NSNumber *serieKey = [_seriesKeys objectAtIndex:seriesIndex]; return [seriesByKeys objectForKey:serieKey]; } // Determine series name entered in legend - (NSString *)seriesNameWithIndex:(int)seriesIndex { return [_seriesTitles objectAtIndex:seriesIndex]; } // Calculate maximum and minimum data values - (void)prepare { NSArray *keys = [seriesByKeys allKeys]; for(NSNumber *key in keys) { NSArray *serieData = [seriesByKeys objectForKey:key]; for (int j = 0; j<[serieData count]; j++) { NSNumber *num = [serieData objectAtIndex:j]; double value = ([num isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) ? 0 : [num doubleValue]; if (_yMax < value) { _yMax = value; } if (_yMin > value) { _yMin = value; } } _xMax = serieData.count; _xMin = 0; } } // Determine series title - (NSArray*) availableSeriesKeys { return _timestampArray; } // Determine X axis label - (NSString *)xAxisNameForMask:(NSString *)mask { return NSLocalizedString(@"X_AXIS_CAPTION", nil); } // Determine Y axis label - (NSString *)yAxisNameForMask:(NSString *)mask { return NSLocalizedString(@"Y_AXIS_CAPTION", nil); } // Determine secondary axis label - (NSString *)secondaryAxisNameForMask:(NSString *)mask { return @""; } // Determine minimum and maximum values for all axes - (double)xMax { return _xMax; } - (double) xMin { return _xMin; } - (double) yMax { return _yMax; } - (double) yMin { return _yMin; } - (double)secondaryYMin { return 0.0; } - (double)secondaryYMax { return 0.0; } - (double)accumulatedSecondaryMin { return 0.0; } - (double)accumulatedSecondaryMax { return 0.0; } - (int)minTimestamp { return 0; } - (int)maxTimestamp { return 0; } - (void)setMaxTimestamp:(int)mt{} - (void)setMinTimestamp:(int)mt{} - (void)setStartDataIndexOffset:(int)startOffset andEndDataIndexOffset:(int)endOffset{} -(Brush *)brushForSeries:(int)seriesIndex forTimestamp:(int)ts { return nil; } @end
See also: