Library of Methods and Models > Distributions > Hypergeometric Distribution
The hypergeometric distribution models the number of successes during sample from a finite population without replacement. If a random value X corresponds to hypergeometric distribution, the probability of getting exactly k successes in a sample containing n elements is described by the following formula:
If k = max(0, m + n – N) ,… , min(n, m), then
Otherwise P(x = k) = 0
N. Population volume.
n. Sample volume.
m. The number of "successful" elements in the N population.
Random values are generated using an algorithm (described by Fishman, 1978) based on inverse transform method. Algorithm is based on a recursive formula:
Starting with:
When n < N - m:
When n < N - m:
Thus, to generate a sample from hypergeometric distribution, we use an algorithm, which includes the following steps:
If n < N - m, assume that:
xi = 0
xi = n – N + m
Generate pseudo-random number ui ~ U(0, 1) distributed according to continuous uniform distribution at the interval (0, 1), when i = 1 … ns.
If ui ≤ p, the value xi is returned. Otherwise the previous three steps are repeated until the condition ui ≤ p is fulfilled:
xi = xi + 1
ui = ui – p
then the value xi is returned.
Steps 2 and 3 are executed ns times, each returned x value is one of the elements of the required sample.
See also:
ISmHyperGeometricDistribution | IStatistics.HypGeomDist | Library of Methods and Models