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Laner > Laner Assembly Enumerations > LnDerivedSerieType



The LnDerivedSerieType enumeration contains the child series types of a calculated series. The enumeration is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Undefined. The child series type is not determined.
1 Factor. The model indicator.
2 Fact. The initial series.
3 Modelling. The model series.
4 Forecast. The forecast.
5 Residuals. The remainders.
6 UpperConfidenceLevel. The upper confidence limit.
7 LowerConfidenceLevel. The lower confidence limit.
8 DUpperConfidenceLevel. The upper dynamic confidence limit.
9 DLowerConfidenceLevel. The lower dynamic confidence limit.

See also:

Laner Assembly Enumerations