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Knowledge Base > Features of Unique Keys in Multilingual MDM Dictionaries

Features of Unique Keys in Multilingual MDM Dictionaries

Article number: KB000033

General Information

Related blocks:


On casting of multilingual MDM dictionaries to the IDimInstance interface the IDimInstance.Elements property does not contain elements, though they are included into a dictionary.


There is a violation of  unique keys in an MDM dictionary.

The similar case is when an attribute translated into an additional language is marked as an unique key, and a translation of two or more elements coincides.

For example:

Result: If repository language is Russian, the IDimInstance.Elements property returns actual number of elements in a MDM dictionary; if repository language is English, the IDimInstance.Elements property will return no element.


A unique key must consist of the attribute, which values are unique for each MDM dictionary element in any language. If an MDM dictionary does not have a single unique attribute, the key may be compiled of several attributes, which aggregated values ensure the uniqueness of values in any language.

See also:

Developers Knowledge Base