Knowledge Base > Working with External Assemblies
Article number: KB000026
Related blocks:
Creation of an external assembly is described in the .NET Assembly section.
Below is an example of working with an external assembly:
A .NET assembly representing an external assembly is available. A DLL file loaded to the assembly is obtained after compiling the following C# code: Source DLL.
In the custom .NET assembly connect the obtained external assembly using the Repository Assemblies tab. After this you can use external assembly resources.
Access using qualified identifiers:
Sub Main;
f: UserFunc.UserClass = New UserFunc.UserClass;
x1, x2: Double;
x1 := f.x1(1, 2, 3);
x2 := f.x2(1, 2, 3);
End Sub Main;
Access using the Imports operator:
Imports UserFunc;
Sub Main;
f: UserClass = New UserClass;
x1, x2: Double;
x1 := f.x1(1, 2, 3);
x2 := f.x2(1, 2, 3);
End Sub Main;
See also: