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Knowledge Base > Version Control System (VCS) in Foresight Analytics Platform

In this article:

General Information

Adding Repository to TFS

Installing Required Software

Selecting Place to Store Source Texts

Startup and Connection

Adding Objects to TFS

Multiple Users Working with Same Object, Solving Conflicts

Updating Scheme and Transferring It for Testing

Creating Scheme Clones

Updating Using *.pef Files

Recommended Scenario of Transferring Repository for Testing

Recommended Scenario of Updating Using *.pef Files

Existing Problems

Different State of Object in Repository and on VCS Server

Moving Objects Controlled by VCS

Adding Clone Repository to VCS

Possible Problems When Connecting a Clone Scheme to VCS

Version Control System (VCS) in Foresight Analytics Platform

Article number: KB000022

General Information

This article discusses main points on using VCS in Foresight Analytics Platform. The article is intended for the users who have experience of working with VCS in the Visual Studio 2010 environment. It is also recommended to study the VCS described in documentation for Foresight Analytics Platform:

The article does not describe methods of using VCS in Foresight Analytics Platform but things that are necessary to know when using this system.

Adding Repository to TFS

Team Foundation Server (TFS) is a Microsoft product representing a complex solution that combines version control system (VCS), data collection, report creation, and tracing statuses and changes in a project. It makes easier to work together on software development. This product is available as an individual application as well as a server platform for Visual Studio Team System (VSTS).

Installing Required Software

Prior to getting started with VCS you need to install the following software:

Selecting Place to Store Source Texts

In the provider dialog box ("Choose Folder in Team Foundation Server") select the place where source texts must be stored on server and on a local workstation. As a rule, a project is created in TFS (server administrators are responsible for it) and all source texts are stored within this project.

NOTE. MSSCCI Provider determines limits for maximum path to local files. Path to a file (<local folder selected in the VCS connection settings >\<generated file name>) must not exceed 260 characters.

It is recommended to create an individual folder for each repository, in which a project is developed.

Before creating files in VCS you need first to set up Workspace to link location of files on the server and the local disk and then create a required folder.

It is forbidden to create several repositories in the same folder or in child folders. If the Invalid Project Mapped error occurs when you try to confirm location of source texts, this means that the local folder is already used to store other source texts.

If the OK button is unavailable after you have specified file paths (Server Path, Local Path), this is a TFS error that can be avoided by using MSSCCI Provider and Team Explorer versions 2008.

Startup and Connection

On connecting to a configured repository provider is initialized and the system connects to TFS server, which usually takes some time (2 to 8 seconds). The provider is initialized only when Foresight Analytics Platform is started by running the Studio.exe file.

When a repository is placed under VCS control you need to connect other developers to the system. To do this, each developer must set up local and server path to store source texts, even if they work on the same station. Each team member should have permissions to work with the server folder where the source texts are stored. If a team member does not have permissions, this means that this developer is not included into the main project group and should contact the project administrator.

Adding Objects to TFS

If on adding an object to VCS you have canceled Check In (changes confirmation) for operation of adding files to the TFS server, the object is still marked as added to TFS. The files are to be sent to the server when the next Check In operation is executed.

Multiple Users Working with Same Object, Solving Conflicts

Conflicts occur when the user sends source texts to the servers and another user attempts to send his changes without taking into account changes made by the first user.

After solving the conflict the result is to be saved to the local disk, rechecked by the user and sent to the server again.

As a rule no problems arise due to application code, when such a conflict occurs. The problems arise when a conflict lies in form design, that is, in the file *.form.xml. In this case it is recommended to roll back either server changes or local changes. It is not recommended to solve the conflict automatically or manually (using Merge tool). If you make a mistake in the file *.form.xml, the form designer will incorrectly respond to corrections. To solve the problem, open the local file *.form.xml and fix it manually based on modifications made in Merge tool. You can also fix the error in the Source Control window of the Visual Studio 2008 (installed with Team Explorer 2008)), for example, to replace the current file with the latest version from the server. Check In/Check Out state for server files and repository files should be the same.

Updating Scheme and Transferring It for Testing

Creating Scheme Clones

Remember that all local changes made by users that have not been sent to the server are not to be sent to dump. After you have created a clone scheme controlled by VCS, you need to disconnect this scheme from VCS.

Updating Using *.pef Files

When creating an update containing repository forms, assemblies, and units, the program takes into account the Use Local Versions of VCS Objects checkbox in update parameters. The checkbox is selected by default, and update will include only object versions currently stored on the local drive in the folder selected when connecting repository to VCS. If the checkbox is deselected, the versions currently available in version control system are to be saved to the update.

If you install update for a version stored in VCS from a version not connected to VCS, the following conflict is generated for the objects available in VCS: Corresponding object is under VCS control. The conflict can be resolved when preparing the update by confirming the update. Otherwise, an additional dialog box can be shown at the update stage where you can confirm the update or skip object(s) update.

Recommended Scenario of Transferring Repository for Testing

Execute the following operations:

Recommended Scenario of Updating Using *.pef Files

Execute the following operations:

Existing Problems

Different State of Object in Repository and on VCS Server

Sometimes the following errors occur when you execute operation with an object under VCS: "Access denied", "SCC_FILENOTCHECKOUT", and so on. As a rule, this is caused by different state of the object in the repository and of its files (or some of the files). This can be checked using the Source Control window. If the error is caused by differences between the object and its files, execute the following operations:

Moving Objects Controlled by VCS

Moving and renaming objects placed to VCS:

A conflict will arise if you do not follow these recommendations. A developer who receives the following message: TF10141: No files checked in: resolve the conflicts and try again, solves the conflict on his workstation. Procedure of solving conflicts:

When moving objects, groups of objects or folders with objects placed to VCS, these objects are to be moved to repositories, on the TFS sever and locally. Thus, multiple provider windows open one after another to confirm file renaming (Check In). For example, when moving a form the dialog box for executing Check In is opened three times as three files are stored for the form. The same happens when you rename an object or change its identifier.

It is not recommended to cancel object moving in the Check In dialog box.

The problem with opening multiple dialog boxes for executing Check In when moving or renaming objects is solved within the requirement 56060.

Adding Clone Repository to VCS

When working with VCS you may face the situation when you need to create a clone of a scheme connected to VCS. This clone is also to be added to VCS. This may require when working with a schema is divided into two separate work-streams.

Consider example. Structure of a company includes a certain Division. Schemes of this Division are stored on TFS server in folder NAPR, and the Local Path for this folder is set to C:\MODULES.

Schemes of the Division include the SCHEME that is stored on the server in NAPR\SCHEME. Locally, files are stored in C:\MODULES\SCHEME.

To correctly clone the SCHEME to SCHEME_CLONE and connect the clone to VCS, make the following steps (you will need the rights to edit objects using Source Control Explorer):

Next, the following options are available:

Possible Problems When Connecting a Clone Scheme to VCS

Sometimes you may need to connect a clone scheme to VCS after a certain time after cloning. It is possible that some files in original scheme that were added to VCS earlier, have already been modified, moved or deleted. In this case it is not enough to copy files from C:\MODULES\SCHEME to C:\MODULES\SCHEME_CLONE locally.

This problem can be solved by bringing the files in C:\MODULES\SCHEME_CLONE in line with the files in the SCHEME_CLONE repository after copying the files locally:

To avoid the above mentioned problems it is recommended to make a local copy of files from C:\MODULES\SCHEME to C:\MODULES\SCHEME_CLONE right after scheme cloning even if you do not intend to connect the scheme to repository.

See also:

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