Knowledge Base > Rules of Code Designing
In this article:
Article number: KB000005
Related blocks:
Below are recommendations on designing the source code of application systems in Foresight Analytics Platform. Coding style is supported automatically by the platform editor when the Use Code Autoformatting option is enabled in settings of the development environment.
Identifiers of classes and interfaces, their fields and methods, of functions and their parameters, variables and custom types, as well as enumeration types' constants are to consist of one or more English words and reflect functionality of the identifier.
The words that make up an identifier should start with upper case letters, the other letters are displayed in lower case. An identifier cannot contain underscore characters. See examples of correct identifiers: Cube, CubeDimension, GoodCasedIdentifier.
When using two-letter abbreviations in an identifier, you should use uppercase letters, otherwise (an abbreviation consisting of three or more characters) the first letter should be in upper case while the others should be in lower case (UI, IO, Xml, Dom).
Using abbreviations in identifiers is allowed in the following cases:
To shorten long words (with 7 letters or more).
To name local variables and function parameters, private fields of classes.
Using one-letter identifiers to name local variables is allowed. The letter should be in upper case. It is recommended to use one-letter identifiers I, J, K, and so on to name variables that count the cycles.
The following prefixes and suffixes should be used: the prefix "I" for names of interfaces, the prefix "F" for names of class fields, the suffix Exception for names of exception classes. Using prefixes and suffixes for other purposes is not allowed.
When creating identifiers for methods and functions, first, specify the operation, next specify the adjectives and only after that specify the objects. For example: CreateValidNamedObjects and not ValidNamedObjectsCreate; ShowModal and not ModalShow. Using adjectives and objects in identifiers is desirable but not necessary.
Tab and space characters should be used for code formatting. Tab character should be used to make indents while the space character is to separate lexemes in code.
Indents (single tab characters) should be used in the following cases:
In the block of variables description. The strings that directly describe variables should be positioned under the line containing the Var operator and to have an indent:
I: Integer;
In multi-line expressions, in descriptions of parameters and functions that take more than one line:
Function Calculate(FirstParameter,
SecondParameter: Integer; Var ThirdParameter: Integer);
ThirdParameter := FirstParameter +
SecondParameter * FirstParameter;
In descriptions of procedures and functions. The code between Begin and End operators should be indented:
Function ConvertValue(Value: Variant): Integer;
Alfa := 1;
In descriptions of classes and enumerated types:
Class ConfirmForm: Form;
OkButton: Button;
End Class;
Enum Colors;
End Enum Colors;
In switches. First, each option should be indented. Second, the code describing each option should start in the next line and be indented relative to the line with the Case/Else operator:
Select Case Value
Case 0:
Alfa := 1;
Beta := 2;
Gamma := 3;
End Select;
In a conditional statement:
If Value = 0 Then
Alfa := 1;
Beta := 2;
End If;
In cycle statements:
For I := 0 To Count - 1 Do
Alfa := 1;
End For
For Each V In List Do
End For;
While I < Count Do
Alfa := 1;
End While
Alfa := 1;
I := I + 1;
Until I = Count;
In exception handlers:
Alfa := 1;
Beta := 2;
Gamma := 3;
End Try;
Using indents in other cases is not allowed.
Spaces should be used to separate lexemes in source code. Several consecutive spaces between lexemes should be replaced with one space character.
Spaces should be used to separate lexemes in the following cases:
Before and after keywords of the language.
Before and after assignment operator in assignment statements.
Before and after operators in expressions.
After commas in parameters when describing and calling functions as well as in other enumerations of elements.
After question mark, before and after colon in operation of selection.
After the colon in descriptions of variables, properties and parameters of functions.
Spaces should not be used to separate lexemes in the following cases:
Before a semicolon.
After opening and before closing round bracket.
Before commas in parameters when describing and calling functions, as well as in other enumerations.
Before colons in descriptions of variables, properties and parameters of functions.
An empty line should be used in the following cases:
To separate declarations of classes and types from each other.
To separate implementations of functions and methods from each other.
Statements from one language construct (Begin – End, Repeat – Until, Try – Except – Finally – End Try, Select – End Select, and others) must be in one position in the string (in one column).
Enum WhatICanDo
End Enum WhatICanDo;
// Demo class
Class GOODFORMATForm: Form
PlayGame: Button;
CancelButton: Button;
BrowseInet: Button;
SomeSleep: Button;
Sub CancelButtonOnClick(Sender: Object);
End Sub CancelButtonOnClick;
Sub Sleep(Millisecs: Integer);
J, I: Integer;
I := (Millisecs + 999) Div 1000;
While I > 0 Do
For J := 0 To 999 Do
If Millisecs > 0 Then
Millisecs := Millisecs - 1;
I := 0;
End If;
End For;
I := I - 1;
End While;
End Sub Sleep;
Sub ShellExecute(Command: String);
Command := Command + " ";
Until Command.Length > 100;
End Sub ShellExecute;
Function CreateProcess(ProcessName: String): Boolean;
Result: Boolean;
Result := True;
Raise New Exception.Create("This function is not yet implemented");
Result := False;
"Execution error in GOODFORMATForm.CreateProcess");
End Try;
Return Result;
End Function CreateProcess;
Sub HaveFun(Action: WhatICanDo);
Select Case Action
Case WhatICanDo.GetSomeSleep:
Sleep(60000 * 30);
Case WhatICanDo.BrowseInternet:
Case WhatICanDo.PlayFavouriteGame:
WinApplication.InformationBox("Nothing to do!");
End Select;
End Sub HaveFun;
Sub PlayGameOnClick(Sender: Object);
End Sub PlayGameOnClick;
Sub BrowseInetOnClick(Sender: Object);
End Sub BrowseInetOnClick;
Sub SomeSleepOnClick(Sender: Object);
End Sub SomeSleepOnClick;
See also: