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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > ISecuritySubjectsSearch > ISecuritySubjectsSearch.AreaIncludeMetabaseNT


Fore Syntax

AreaIncludeMetabaseNT: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

AreaIncludeMetabaseNT: Boolean;


The AreaIncludeMetabaseNT property determines the attribute of search among the domain security subjects, which are registered in the repository and for which the attribute of deferred loading of description is set.


The property is relevant if the AreaIncludeNT property is set to False.

If the AreaIncludeMetabaseNT property is set to True value, the search will be performed among the domain users, which will be registered in the repository and for which the attribute of the deferred loading of the description is set.

Fore Example

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    Search: ISecuritySubjectsSearch;
    Subjects: ISecuritySubjects;
    Subject: ISecuritySubject;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    Search := MB.Security.NewSubjectsSearch;
    Search.NameCriteria := "Ar*";
    Search.SubjectCriteria(SecuritySubjectType.User) := True;
    Search.AreaIncludeDB := True;
    Search.AreaIncludeMetabaseNT := True;
    Search.AreaIncludeNT := False;
    Subjects := Search.Subjects;
    If Subjects.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Subject In Subjects Do
            Debug.WriteLine(Subject.Name + ": " + Subject.Description);
        End For;
    End If;
End Sub UserProc;

On executing the example the search of users of the DBMS and domain subjects, which are added to the repository and for which the attribute of the deferred loading of description is set will be performed. Name and description of found users will be displayed in the development environment console.

Fore.NET Example

The specified procedure is an entry point for the .NET assembly.

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    MB: IMetabase;
    Search: ISecuritySubjectsSearch;
    Subjects: ISecuritySubjects;
    Subject: ISecuritySubject;
    MB := Params.Metabase;
    Search := MB.Security.NewSubjectsSearch();
    Search.NameCriteria := "Ar*";
    Search.SubjectCriteria[SecuritySubjectType.sstUser] := True;
    Search.AreaIncludeDB := True;
    Search.AreaIncludeMetabaseNT := True;
    Search.AreaIncludeNT := False;
    Subjects := Search.Subjects;
    If Subjects.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Subject In Subjects Do
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Subject.Name + ": " + Subject.Description);
        End For;
    End If;
End Sub;

On executing the example the search of users of the DBMS and domain subjects, which are added to the repository and for which the attribute of the deferred loading of description is set will be performed. Name and description of found users will be displayed in the development environment console.

See also:
