Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD > IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD.ODBCParamValue
ODBCParamValue(Name: String): Variant;
ODBCParamValue[Name: String]: Object;
Name. Parameter name.
The ODBCParamValueproperty determines a parameter value with the specified index.
Parameter names can be obtained in documentation for the ODBC driver, which was used for connection.
The operating system must have Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver installed. The network has a server named MSSQLServer, the DataRepository schema is created on the server.
Add a link to the Metabase system assembly. In Fore.NET also add links to the WinForms.Utils system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
MbMan: IMetabaseManager;
MbDefs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
MssqlOdbcSPLD: IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
MbMan := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
MbDefs := MbMan.Definitions;
MbDef := MbDefs.Add;
MbDef.DriverId := "MSSQL2012ODBC";
MbDef.Id := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Name := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Authentication := AuthenticationMode.Password;
MssqlOdbcSPLD := MbDef.LogonData As IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Server := "MSSQLServer";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Database := "DataRepository";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.ODBCParamValue("MultiSubnetFailover") := "Yes";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.ODBCParamValue("ApplicationIntent") := "ReadWrite";
End Sub UserProc;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.PiLibNet.Utils;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Public Shared Sub UserProc();
ManagerFactory: IMetabaseManagerFactory;
MbMan: IMetabaseManager;
MbDefs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
MssqlOdbcSPLD: IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
ManagerFactory := ComCreator.Instance.CoCreate<MetabaseManagerFactoryClass>();
MbMan := ManagerFactory.Active;
MbDefs := MbMan.Definitions;
MbDef := MbDefs.Add();
MbDef.DriverId := "MSSQL2012ODBC";
MbDef.Id := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Name := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Authentication := AuthenticationMode.amPassword;
MssqlOdbcSPLD := MbDef.LogonData As IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Server := "MSSQLServer";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Database := "DataRepository";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.ODBCParamValue["MultiSubnetFailover"] := "Yes";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.ODBCParamValue["ApplicationIntent"] := "ReadWrite";
End Sub;
After executing the example, a new description for connecting to the specified repository is created. The connection is implemented using the ODBC driver with the ability to set additional connection parameters.
See also: