Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD > IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD.ODBCParams
ODBCParams: String;
ODBCParams: String;
The ODBCParams property determines a string of additional parameters values.
Parameters and their values are specified as parameter1=value1;parameter2=value2.
The operating system must have Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver installed. The network has a server named MSSQLServer, the DataRepository schema is created on the server.
Add a link to the Metabase system assembly. In Fore.NET also add links to the WinForms.Utils system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
MbMan: IMetabaseManager;
MbDefs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
MssqlOdbcSPLD: IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
MbMan := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
MbDefs := MbMan.Definitions;
MbDef := MbDefs.Add;
MbDef.DriverId := "MSSQL2012ODBC";
MbDef.Id := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Name := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Authentication := AuthenticationMode.Password;
MssqlOdbcSPLD := MbDef.LogonData As IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Server := "MSSQLServer";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Database := "DataRepository";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.ODBCParams := "MultiSubnetFailover=Yes;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite";
End Sub UserProc;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.PiLibNet.Utils;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Public Shared Sub UserProc();
ManagerFactory: IMetabaseManagerFactory;
MbMan: IMetabaseManager;
MbDefs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
MssqlOdbcSPLD: IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
ManagerFactory := ComCreator.Instance.CoCreate<MetabaseManagerFactoryClass>();
MbMan := ManagerFactory.Active;
MbDefs := MbMan.Definitions;
MbDef := MbDefs.Add();
MbDef.DriverId := "MSSQL2012ODBC";
MbDef.Id := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Name := "MSSQL_ODBC";
MbDef.Authentication := AuthenticationMode.amPassword;
MssqlOdbcSPLD := MbDef.LogonData As IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD;
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Server := "MSSQLServer";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.Database := "DataRepository";
MssqlOdbcSPLD.ODBCParams := "MultiSubnetFailover=Yes;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite";
End Sub;
After executing the example, a new description for connecting to the specified repository is created. The connection is implemented using the ODBC driver with the ability to set additional connection parameters.
See also: