Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseUpdateUnresolved > IMetabaseUpdateUnresolved.IsRequired
IsRequired: Boolean;
IsRequired: Boolean;
The IsRequired property determines whether a mistake (forbidden reference) is processed during update.
Default property value is False and a mistake is ignored. If value is True, in the OnResolve event transition to process of forbidden references (the OnError event) is performed.
Executing the example requires an update file with the Update.pef name by a specified path.
Sub main;
mb: IMetabase;
u: IMetabaseUpdate;
progress: MyUpdateProgress;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
u := mb.CreateUpdate;
progress := New MyUpdateProgress.Create;
u.ApplyOptions := u.ApplyOptions Or MetabaseUpdateApplyOptions.EnableIgnoreErrors;
End Sub main;
Class MyUpdateProgress: UpdateProgress
Public Sub OnResolve(Node: IMetabaseUpdateNode; Resolver: IMetabaseUpdateResolver);
Var i: integer;
Debug.WriteLine("Worked OnResolve for Node '" + Node.Label + "' !");
For i := 0 To Resolver.Count - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + " Resolver.Item(" + i.ToString + ").Name " + Resolver.Item(i).Name + "' !");
Resolver.Item(i).IsRequired := True; //mistake of synchronization will be processed in OnError
End For;
End Sub OnResolve;
Sub OnError(Data: IMetabaseUpdateProgressData; Var Ignore: Boolean);
Debug.WriteLine("Worked OnError for node '" + Data.Node.Label + "' !");
Debug.WriteLine("Mistake text: " + Data.Error.Message);
Debug.WriteLine("MessageID: " + Data.Error.MessageID.ToString);
If Data.Object <> Null Then
Debug.WriteLine("Error source: " + Data.Object.Id);
Debug.WriteLine("Object key: " + Data.Object.Key.ToString);
End If;
//ignore object
Ignore := True;
End Sub OnError;
End Class MyUpdateProgress;
The custom class MyUpdateProgress is used to process events that appear on update. If an update process there will be an object that has forbidden references (dependency an update object from source repository objects that do not exist in destination repository) an error of synchronization of repository object with an object in update (OnError) will be created and information about forbidden reference will be displayed into development environment console. The objects with errors are skipped.
See also: