Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseObjectDescriptor > IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Share
The Share method puts the object into the version control system.
If this method is activated, the window of the first publishing of the object in the version control system will be displayed on the screen.
If the following conditions are fulfilled, the window of publishing will be displayed:
The object has not been placed in the version control system yet.
For the object being placed, the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.IsSharingSupported property returns True.
If even one condition is not fulfilled, the activation of the method does not yield any result.
The ShareObject function is described in the example.
Add a link to the Metabase system assembly.
Function ShareObject(Descriptor: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor): Boolean;
If Descriptor.IsSharingSupported And (Not Descriptor.IsShared) Then
Return True;
Return False;
End If;
End Function ShareObject;
Function ShareObject(Descriptor: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor): Boolean;
If Descriptor.IsSharingSupported And (Not Descriptor.IsShared) Then
Return True;
Return False;
End If;
End Function ShareObject;
This function checks whether it is possible to add object to the version control system. If the necessary conditions are fulfilled, the object are placed in the version control system and function will returns the True value. The description of object is passed in the Descriptor parameter.
See also: