Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IMetabaseCustomClass > IMetabaseCustomClass.ImplementationClass
ImplementationClass: String;
ImplementationClass: String;
The ImplementationClass property determines the name of the class, in which the procedures for handling operations are implemented.
The specified class must be implemented in the object of the development environment, specified in the ImplementationAssembly property.
The class must contain implemented methods having the following structure:
Sub <HandlerIdentifier>(<Parameter>: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor);
If the parametric objects creating is planned, the methods with WithParams postfix and the following signature:
Sub <HandlerIdentifier>WithParams(<Parameter1>: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor; <Parameter2>: IMetabaseObjectParamValues);
NOTE. On implementing operation handlers in the .NET assembly, the class and the methods must be declared with the Public access modifier. A name of the class in the ImplementationClass property is specified together with the namespace of the .NET assembly: <Namespace>.<Class>.
On executing in the object navigator for the object of the custom class of some command the instance of the specified class will be initialized (Create constructor is called) and for the obtained instance of the class the appropriate method will be called. The description of the object for which the item of the context menu is selected will be passed in the parameter of the method.
On creating operations an identifier having handler method is generated for them. This identifier is specified in the table on the Operations tab. To process general object operations, methods with reserved identifiers mentioned further are to be implemented:
Operation name | Method ID |
Open | Open (OpenWithParams to process parametrical objects opening) |
Edit | Edit (EditWithParams to process parametrical objects editing) |
The example of use is given in description of the Operations property.
See also: