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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > ILogonHoursPeriods



The ILogonHoursPeriods interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of periods in which the time of user access should be restricted.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of periods in which the time of user access is restricted.
Item The Item property returns the parameters of the period in which the time of user access is restricted.


  Method name Brief description
Clear The Clear method removes all periods in which the time of user access is restricted.
CreateCopy The CreateCopy method creates copies of all periods in which the time of user access is restricted.
CreateHours The CreateHours method creates an object used to set up access by hours during the day.
FindByDate The FindByDate method searches a period that contains the specified date.
Remove The Remove method removes a period in which the time of user access is restricted.
SetPeriodAccess The SetPeriodAccess method sets parameters of the user access for the specified period.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces