Metabase > Metabase Assembly Interfaces > IAccessElementsIterator > IAccessElementsIterator.Current
Current: IAccessElement;
The Current property returns the current element.
Executing the example requires the Button component named Button1 and the TreeList component named TreeList1 on the form. 5 columns have to be created for the TreeList component: Name, ReadAccess, WriteAccess, DeleteAccess, AccessAccess. An MDM repository with the MDM identifier and an MDM dictionary with the Dict_1 identifier should be in the scheme.
Class UserForm: Form
Button1: Button;
TreeList1: TreeList;
Sub FillViewer(Iterator : IAccessElementsIterator; currentlevel:integer; parentNode : ITreeListNode);
level : integer;
node : ITreeListNode;
element : IAccessElement;
level := iterator.Next;
If level<>-1 Then
element := iterator.Current;
node := TreeList1.Nodes.AddChild(GetParent(parentNode,currentlevel,level),element.Name);
node.Data := element;
node.ColumnText(1) := element.AttributeAccess(AccessElementAttributes.Read).ToString;
node.ColumnText(2) := element.AttributeAccess(AccessElementAttributes.Write).ToString;
node.ColumnText(3) := element.AttributeAccess(AccessElementAttributes.Delete).ToString;
node.ColumnText(4) := element.AttributeAccess(AccessElementAttributes.Access).ToString;
End If;
End Sub FillViewer;
Function GetParent(node : ITreeListNode; currentLevel : integer; level : integer):ITreeListNode;
If (level-currentLevel)=1 Then
Return node;
End If;
If currentLevel>= level Then
currentLevel := currentLevel-1;
level := level-1;
End If;
Return GetParent(node.Parent,currentLevel,level);
End Function GetParent;
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
MB : IMetabase;
Object : IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
SD : ISecurityDescriptor;
AOS : IAccessObjectSecurity;
Iterator : IAccessElementsIterator;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Object := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("Dict_1", MB.ItemById("RDS").Key);
AOS := Object.GetSecurity;
Iterator := AOS.GetElements;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
End Class UserForm;
Clicking the button displays a tree of MDM dictionary elements in the TreeList component and the values, stored in access attributes, are displayed in respective columns for each element.
See also: