Metabase > Examples > Working with Access Mask
Access mask is used to give access permissions on objects, set audit and keep history in relevant properties and methods. This mask is formed on the base of values of enumerations MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights. If specific operations are available for an object mask value is filled with values of one of the following enumerations:
AuditLogSpecificRights are specific operations available for access protocol.
CalculatedCubeSpecificRights are specific operations available for calculated cubes.
CubeLoaderSpecificRights are specific operations available for loading data in a cube.
CubeSpecificRights are specific operations available for different types of cubes.
CustomObjectSpecificRights are specific operations available for objects of custom classes.
DataBaseSpecificRights are specific operations available for repository object - Database.
DictionarySpecificRights are specific operations available for repository objects - MDM Dictionary and Composite MDM dictionary.
MDCalcSpecificRights are specific operations available for repository object - Multidimensional calculation on DB server.
ProblemSpecificRights are specific operations available for an object of modeling container - Modeling task.
ProcedureSpecificRights are specific operations available for repository object - Procedure.
ScenarioDimensionSpecificRights are specific operations available for the repository object - Modeling Scenario.
ScheduledTaskSpecificRights are specific operations available for tasks created in scheduled tasks container.
SecuritySpecificRights are specific operations available for security policy.
TableSpecificRights are specific operations available for the following repository objects - Table, View, Log, External table.
UpdateObjectSpecificRights are specific operations available for repository object - Update.
ValidationSpecificRights are specific operations available for repository object - Validation rule and Validation group.
It is not difficult to form mask value from values of specified enumerations while giving rights, setting audit and history. It is necessary to use logical operation Or to make combinations.
Mask := MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Access Or MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Delete;
If there is a reverse situation when it is necessary to determine which operations are available by the given mask it is necessary to write custom function to analyze mask value.
Consider the example of mask analyze returned by the GetEffectiveRights method. Mask value is 4-byte binary number converted to decimal form. To analyze a mask it is necessary to have a function that makes inverse conversion from decimal into binary form:
Function DecToBin(Value: Double): String;
k, i: Integer;
Str, Str2: String;
While Value > 1 Do
k := (Value - (2 * Math.Quotient(Value, 2))) As Integer;
Value := Math.Trunc(Value / 2, 0);
Str := Str + k.ToString;
End While;
Str := Str + Value.ToString;
For i := 0 To Str.Length - 1 Do
Str2 := Str2 + Str.SubString(Str.Length - i - 1, 1);
End For;
Return Str2;
End Function DecToBin;
This function returns a binary number as a character string.
Suppose there is an object with the Obj_1 identifier in the repository. The TestUser user is created in the security manager of the platform.
Create a form and put a button on it. Create event handler OnClick for a button and write the following code:
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
MB: IMetabase;
MDesc: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
SecDesc: ISecurityDescriptor;
Subj: ISecuritySubject;
Rights: Integer;
BinRights: String;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
//Security subject
Subj := MB.Security.ResolveName("TestUser");
//Object on which effective rights will be defined for security subject
MDesc := MB.ItemById("Obj_1");
SecDesc := MDesc.SecurityDescriptor;
//Get effective rights in decimal mode
Rights := SecDesc.GetEffectiveRights(Subj);
//Displaying effective rights in binary mode
BinRights := DecToBin(Rights);
End Sub Button1OnClick;
On clicking the button the Rights variable will contain values corresponding with effective user rights on a specified object displayed in binary mode. The BinRights variable will contain the same value displayed in binary mode.
Suppose that only basic and additional operations are available for the Obj_1 object, and the method returned the following value:
Rights := 114440 and BinRights := 11011111100001000. Each mask bit corresponds with one of the operations. If bit value is 0 the operation for user is not determined (operation value is not assigned or forbidden). If bit value is 1 operation is allowed for user.
To compare operations and bits in binary mask let's make inverse conversion of each bit particularly into decimal mode. Conversion from decimal mode into binary mode means to raise a number 2 to the power equals bit number. Bit numeration begins with 0, at the same time binary number is considered from right to left.
In the specified enumerations each value according to any operation also equals certain power of number 2 (MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.All = 1 = 2^0; MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Print = 16384 = 2^14, and so on.). That's why for checking it is necessary to raise number 2 to the power that equals bit number and compare received value with values in enumerations.
To compare values with values of enumerations, let us write the following function:
Public Function CheckRight(Right: Double): String;
Select Case Right
//Basic rights
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.All:
Return "All";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Read:
Return "Read";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Write:
Return "Write";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Access:
Return "Access";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Delete:
Return "Delete";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.ReadDescr:
Return "ReadDescr";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.WriteDescr:
Return "WriteDescr";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.ReadPars:
Return "ReadPars";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.WritePars:
Return "WritePars";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.ReadBody:
Return "ReadBody";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.WriteBody:
Return "WriteBody";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Create_:
Return "Create_";
//additional rights
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Print:
Return "Print";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.ExportData:
Return "ExportData";
Case MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.ImportData:
Return "ImportData";
Return "Unknown rights"
End Select;
End Function CheckRight;
This function returns its name by operation value. If passed value is missing among values used in enumerations the function will return "Unknown rights".
Let us create an additional procedure to check all bits of a mask.
Sub CheckBits(BinRights: String);
i: Integer;
TwoPower: Double;
c: Char;
//Check bits of binary mask
//Inverse cycle to view a string from right to left
For i := BinRights.Length To 1 Step - 1 Do
//As indexing in character string begins with 0 decrement current position by 1
//It is necessary for correct work of the property String.Chars
c := BinRights.Chars(i - 1);
//Bits numbering performs from right to left. To get bit number subtract
//current position from general length.
//We get decimal value for corresponding bit by raising 2 to the power,
//that equals bit number.
TwoPower := Math.Power(2, BinRights.Length - i);
//If current bit value is 1, operation is available
//If current bit value is 0, o operation is not determined or forbidden
If c = '1' Then
Debug.WriteLine("Available operation: " + CheckRight(TwoPower));
Debug.WriteLine("Not determined/Forbidden operation: " + CheckRight(TwoPower));
End If;
End For;
End Sub CheckBits;
View the mask performed from right to left in this procedure. Information about available and not determined operations will be output into development environment console.
It is necessary to add procedure call in a handler of button press:
//Get effective rights in decimal mode
Rights := SecDesc.GetEffectiveRights(Subj);
//Displaying effective rights in binary mode
BinRights := DecToBin(Rights);
For specified above mask values (Rights := 114440 and BinRights := 11011111100001000) the following values will be output into development environment console:
Bit number: 0 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: All
Bit number: 1 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Read
Bite number: 2 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Write
Bit number: 3 Available operation: Access
Bite number: 4 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Delete
Bite number: 5 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Unknown rights
Bite number: 6 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Unknown rights
Bite number: 7 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Unknown rights
Bit number: 8 Available operation: ReadDescr
Bit number: 9 Available operation: WriteDescr
Bit number: 10 Available operation: ReadPars
Bit number: 11 Available operation: WritePars
Bit number: 12 Available operation: ReadBody
Bit number: 13 Available operation: WriteBody
Bite number: 14 Not defined/ Forbidden operation: Print
Bit number: 15 Available operation: ExportData
Bit number: 16 Available operation: ImportData
For 5-7 bits values are unknown because they are not used in enumerations to assign operation.
The CheckRight function is easy to develop to have a possibility to check specific operations in accordance with object class.
The above analyzed example is used to check all access mask bits. If it is necessary to check existence of any certain operations user could use an easier way. As mask is a binary number, logical operation And could be used to check bits values. If the result does not equal zero, value 1 is set in a relevant bit, it means availability of rights on operation:
Sub UserProc;
MB: IMetabase;
MDesc: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
SecDesc: ISecurityDescriptor;
Subj: ISecuritySubject;
Rights: Integer;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
//Security subject
Subj := MB.Security.ResolveName("TestUser");
//Object on which effective rights will be defined for security subject
MDesc := MB.ItemById("Obj_1");
SecDesc := MDesc.SecurityDescriptor;
//Get effective rights in decimal mode
Rights := SecDesc.GetEffectiveRights(Subj);
//Check availability of rights to delete an object
If (Rights And MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights.Delete) <> 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("Delete allowed");
Debug.WriteLine("Delete forbidden");
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
See also: