Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxDimensionDrill > IPrxDimensionDrill.Sheet
Sheet: IPrxSheet;
The Sheet property determines the report sheet to be calculated on opening the hyperlink. If the property value is NULL, the entire report is calculated.
The following example assumes that there is the Report object with the IPrxReport type.
Sub UserProc;
Report : IPrxReport;
DI : IPrxDataIsland;
DIC : IPrxDataIslandDimensionCommon;
Drill : IPrxDimensionDrill;
DimMode : IPrxSliceDimension;
Dim : IDimensionModel;
DI := Report.DataIslands.FindById("DATAISLAND").Edit;
Dim := DI.Slice.Dimensions.FindById("D_TO").Dimension.Dimension;
DIC := DI.Properties.Dimension(Dim);
DIC.Drilled := TriState.OnOption;
Drill := DIC.Drill;
Drill.Mode := PrxDataDrillMode.Replace;
DimMode := Report.DataSources.Item(0).Slices.Item(1).Dimensions.FindById("D_TO1");
Drill.Dimension := DimMode;
Drill.Index := DimMode.Dimension.Dimension.Indexes.PrimaryIndex;
Drill.Attribute := Dim.Attributes.Id;
Drill.Sheet := Null;
Drill.Action := "#Sheet2!PrxChart1";
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example detailing is set up for the data area. Clicking the hyperlink results in positioning on the chart located on the second sheet of the report.
See also: