Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxControlAppearance > IPrxControlAppearance.Report
Report: Boolean;
The Report property determines whether a control is to be used on all sheets. If the property is set to True the control is displayed for all sheets. If the property is set to False, use the Sheet property and specify, for which sheets the control is to be used.
The default property value is True.
The following example assumes that there is the Rep object with the IPrxReport type.
Sub UserProc;
Rep : IPrxReport;
Ctrls : IPrxReportControls;
Ctrl : IPrxControl;
Sheet : IPrxSheet;
Ctrls := Rep.Controls.Edit;
//drop-down list
Ctrl := Ctrls.Add(Null);
Ctrl.AutoRecalc := True;
Ctrl.Binding := "UI=""DimCombo""";
Ctrl.Dimension := Rep.DataSources.Item(0).Slices.FindByName("Slice1").Dimensions.FindById("D_TO");
Ctrl.Appearance.Report := False;
Ctrl.Appearance.Sheet(Rep.Sheets.Item(0)) := True;
Ctrl.Appearance.Sheet(Rep.Sheets.Item(1)) := True;
//integer values editor
Ctrl := Ctrls.Add(Null);
Ctrl.AutoRecalc := True;
Ctrl.Binding := "UI=""IntegerEdit"" VALUE=""50""";
Ctrl.Appearance.Report := False;
Ctrl.Appearance.Sheet(Rep.Sheets.Item(0)) := True;
Ctrl.Appearance.Sheet(Rep.Sheets.Item(1)) := True;
//order of controls for Sheet1
Sheet := Rep.Sheets.Item(0);
Rep.Controls.SheetControls(Sheet).Move(1,0); //second element to first position
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example two controls are created for the two first report sheets. Order of elements is changed for the first sheet.
See also: