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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsSortAttributes



The IRdsSortAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of attributes of the MDM dictionary elements sorting.


  Property name Brief description
The Count property returns the number of sorting attributes in the collection.
The Item property returns sorting attribute from the collection by index.


  Method name Brief description
The Add method adds sorting by the specified attribute with the set direction of sorting.
The AddRefAttribute method adds sorting for attributes that take part in the connections and enables the user to set attribute from another dictionary for sorting by its values.
The Clear method removes all attributes of sorting from the collection.
The FindByAttribute method searches attribute of sorting by dictionary attribute.
The FindByRefAttribute method enables the user to search sorting attribute by the connected attribute.
LoadFrom The LoadFrom method loads parameters of attribute values sorting from XML.
The Remove method removes sorting attribute, which index is passed by the Index parameter.
SaveTo The SaveTo method saves parameters of attributes values' sorting as XML code.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces