Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsMergeCallback > IRdsMergeCallback.OnBeforeProcess
OnBeforeProcess(Var bCancel: Boolean);
bCancel. Parameter that determines whether further elements synchronization is executed.
The OnBeforeProcess method implements an event that occurs after comparing elements and before synchronization of elements that have different attributes values.
Available values of the bCance parameter:
True. Synchronization is canceled. Values of all elements remain unchanged.
False. Further synchronization is executed. For all elements, having different values, the OnConflictResolve event is generated.
Executing the example requires the MDM repository with the NSI_1 identifier. Data of synchronized dictionaries is stored in the Sinc.rpl file.
Add links to the Db, Metabase, Rds system assemblies.
Public Class MyCallback: Object, IRdsMergeCallback
Public Sub OnProgress(Progress: Integer; Total: Integer);
Debug.WriteLine("Done: " + Progress.ToString + " from " + Total.ToString);
End Sub OnProgress;
Public Sub OnConflict(LoadElement: IRdsDictionaryElement; CurrentElement: IRdsDictionaryElement);
Debug.Write("The element has different values: ");
Debug.Write(" | ");
End Sub OnConflict;
Public Sub OnBeforeProcess(Var bCancel: Boolean);
bCancel := False;
End Sub OnBeforeProcess;
Public Sub OnConflictResolve(LoadElement: Integer; CurrentElement: Integer; Var Ignor: Boolean);
Ignor := True;
End Sub OnConflictResolve;
End Class MyCallback;
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
NSI: IRdsDatabase;
NSIInst: IRdsDatabaseInstance;
Trans: IConnectionTransaction;
CallBack: MyCallback;
Replic: IRdsReplicator;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemById("NSI_1").Bind;
NSI := MObj As IRdsDatabase;
NSIInst := NSI.Open(Null);
Trans := NSIInst.DatabaseInstance.Connection.StartTransaction(False);
CallBack := New MyCallback.Create;
Replic := NSIInst.CreateReplicator;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example dictionaries are synchronized in the NSI_1 repository. The MyCallback custom class is used to control synchronization process. During the execution, common status of a process and also elements names with different values in a dictionary and loaded file are displayed in the console.
See also: