Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsLink > IRdsLink.ParamsControl
ParamsControl: IRdsParamsControl;
The ParamsControl property returns settings of parameter binding. This property is relevant if connection with the parametric dictionary is executed.
Executing the example requires the MDM repository NSI_1 that contains MDM dictionaries with the Dict_1 and Dict_2 identifiers. The second dictionary has one parameter.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Dict, Dict2: IRdsDictionary;
Attrs: IRdsAttributes;
LinkAttr, ParamAttr: IRdsAttribute;
Link: IRdsLink;
Param: IRdsParam;
ParamsControl: IRdsParamsControl;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("Dict_1", MB.ItemById("NSI_1").Key).Edit;
Dict := MObj As IRdsDictionary;
Dict2 := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("Dict_1", MB.ItemById("NSI_1").Key).Bind As IRdsDictionary;
//Attributes of the first dictionary
Attrs := Dict.Attributes;
//Attribute to link with the dictionary
LinkAttr := Attrs.Add;
LinkAttr.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;
LinkAttr.Id := "LinkAttr";
LinkAttr.Name := Attribute to link;
//Connection with the parameterized dictionary
Link := Dict.Links.Add;
Link.Attribute := LinkAttr;
Link.Reference := Dict2.Attributes.Key;
Link.Id := "Link";
Link.Name := Link with the dictionary Dict_2;
//Parameter necessary to control
ParamsControl := Link.ParamsControl;
Param := ParamsControl.ReferenceDictionary.Params.Item(0);
//Attribute to link with the dictionary
ParamAttr := Attrs.Add;
ParamAttr.DataType := Param.Attribute.DataType;
ParamAttr.Id := "ParamAttr";
ParamAttr.Name := Parameter control;
//Attribute binding with the parameter of the second dictionary
ParamsControl.ParamAttribute(Param) := ParamAttr;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example two attributes are created in the first dictionary: the first one is used to connect with the Dict_2 dictionary; the second one is used to control parameter values of the Dict_2 dictionary. Connection is set up between the Dict_1 and Dict_2 dictionaries by the Key attribute, the ParamAttr attribute is used to control parameter values of the linked Dict_2 dictionary.
See also: