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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IRdsAttributes



The IRdsAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes of the MDM dictionary.


  Property name Brief description
The AccessAccess property returns a system attribute of a dictionary that assignment is Permission to Change permissions.
The Count property returns number of attributes of the MDM dictionary.
The DeleteAccess property returns a system attribute of a dictionary that assignment is Permission to Delete.
The GUID property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Unique element identifier.
The Hidden property returns a system attribute of a dictionary that determines elements visibility.
The ImageIndex property determines an attribute that can be used as elements icon.
The InDate property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Element Action Start Date.
The Item property returns an attribute of the MDM dictionary.
The Key property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Element Key.
The HasMandatoryAccess property returns the dictionary system attribute that determines mandatory access parameters for MDM dictionary elements.
The Name property returns a system attribute of a dictionary that assignment is Element Name.
The Order property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Element Order.
The OutDate property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Element Action End Date.
The ParentKey property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Key of Owner Element.
The Predefined property returns a specified system attribute of the MDM dictionary.
The ReadAccess property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Permission to View.
The Version property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Element Version.
The WriteAccess property returns a system attribute of a dictionary, which assignment is Permission to Change.


  Method name Brief description
The Add method creates a custom attribute.
The Clear method removes all custom attributes of the MDM dictionary.
The FindById method searches an attribute of the MDM dictionary by identifier.
The FindByKey method searches an attribute of the MDM dictionary by key.
The Move method moves attributes in a list by changing display order of attributes values in elements tree.
The Remove method removes an attribute by index.
The RemoveByKey method removes an attribute by key.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces