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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaRdsLoader > IMetaRdsLoader.GenerateBindingsBySource


Fore Syntax


Fore.NET Syntax



The GenerateBindingsBySource method generates parameters of dictionary attributes' bindings based on the source structure.


This method can be used if the source is set in the IMetaRdsLoader.Source or IMetaRdsLoader.TableSource property. On executing the GenerateBindingsBySource method, specific binding is created in the IMetaRdsLoader.Bindings collection for all data source fields. If the field identifier matches system attribute identifier, a binding of the RdsLoaderBindingType.Predefined type is created, otherwise the binding type is RdsLoaderBindingType.UserAttribute. The IRdsBaseBinding.Field property is set in binding parameters, but the IRdsBaseBinding.Attribute property will not be determined.

Fore and Fore.NET Example

The method use is given in the example for IMetaRdsLoader.Load.

See also:
