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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaRdsExportSchema


Assembly: Rds;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;


The IMetaRdsExportSchema interface is used to work with export scheme of table MDM dictionary.

Inheritance hierarchy





Using this interface, you can set up data export from a table MDM dictionary to the following consumers:


  Property name Brief description
The ClearBeforeExport property determines whether to clear the consumer before data loading.
The Consumer property determines data consumer parameters
The Filter property returns the filter applied to dictionary items that are exported.
The ItemMapping property returns specified attribute binding to a data source field.
The MappingsCount property returns the number of attribute bindings to data source fields.
The SortAttributes property returns sorting options applied to the dictionary items that are exported.

Properties inherited from IRdsExportSchema

  Property name Brief description
The Automatical property determines whether dictionary data is automatically exported on changing dictionary elements.
The Dictionary property returns parent object.
The Mappings property returns parameters of binding of the MDM dictionary attributes to fields of a table, into which data is exported.
The TableName property determines name of a table, into which data of the MDM dictionary is exported.
The TableObject property determines repository table, into which data is exported.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
The Id property determines the object identifier.
The Key property returns the object key.
The Name property determines the object name.


  Method name Brief description
The AddMapping method binds a dictionary attribute to a data consumer field.
The RemoveMapping method removes attribute binding to a data provider field.

Methods inherited from IRdsExportSchema

  Method name Brief description
The ClearMappings method clears attribute binding to fields of a table in that data are exported.
The CheckTable method checks if the table specified in export schema of the MDM dictionary exists.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces