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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaMemberChildren



The IMetaMemberChildren interface contains properties and methods used to work with children of a hierarchy element.


  Property name Brief description
The IsEmpty property returns whether elements exist in this object.

Properties inherited from IMetaHierarchyPosition

  Property name Brief description
The Hierarchy property returns dictionary hierarchy.
The Level property returns the level, to which position of hierarchy belongs.
The LevelIndex property returns index of the level, to which position of hierarchy belongs.
The Offset property returns the number of levels from a hierarchy node to a current position.
The Parent property returns object-owner of a hierarchy position.


  Method name Brief description
The GetMembers property returns hierarchy element children.
The GetTree property returns hierarchy element children as a tree.

Methods inherited from IMetaHierarchyPosition

  Property name Brief description
The GetPathTo property returns a path of a position by index.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces