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Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaDictionaryLookup


Assembly: Rds;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;


The IMetaDictionaryLookup interface contains properties and methods used to search in time series database.

Inheritance hierarchy



IMetaDictionaryLookup constraints: the interface is not used to work with the attributes that may have multiple values.


  Property name Brief description
The Current property returns a current object in a cursor.
The CustomWhere property returns additional condition of the search.
The DeleteMarkAttribute property determines an attribute that contains an indicator of deleted record.
The Dictionary property returns data on time series database.
The EmptyMarkAttribute property determines an identifier of an attribute that contains an indicator of empty factor.
The FactorAttribute property determines name of an attribute that contains a factor key.
The LookupCompoundKeys property returns an array of compound keys for time series.
The MnemoAttribute property determines name of an attribute that contains mnemonic.
The RevisionAttribute property determines revision attribute name.
The RevisionAttributes property determines a collection of attributes names.
The RevisionConstantKey property determines a key for search only for one revision.
The Where property returns search condition.
The WhereFactorKey property determines target value of the attribute specified in the FactorAttribute property.
The WhereFactorMnemo property determines target value of the attribute specified in the MnemoAttribute property.
The WhereIsDeleted property determines whether deleted records are used in search.
The WhereIsEmpty property determines whether empty records are used in search.
The WhereRevisionKey property determines target value of the specified in the RevisionAttribute or RevisionAttributes properties.


  Method name Brief description
The AppendKeysFilter method adds filtering by elements selection.
The AppendKeysFilterRaw method adds filtering by a selection in certain attributes.
The Close method closes a cursor.
The Eof method returns whether current record is the last one.
The GetKeys method returns time series database elements.
The GetKeysRaw method returns time series database elements by defined dimensions.
The LookupKeys method searches and returns an array of values of a specified attribute.
The Next method moves to the next record.
The Open method opens a cursor used to move within data.
The SetKeysFilter method sets filtering by elements selection.
The SetKeysFilterRaw method sets filtering by a selection in certain attributes.
The WhereRevisionBetween method searches between two values of the attribute specified in the RevisionAttribute or RevisionAttributes properties.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces